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- 91: The Black Cat
- ... 76). This story begins with the narrator ,who is about to be hung, confessing what he has done in some type of repention for his soul. The narrator step by step describes how he began drinking and then to neglect his dearly beloved cat and his wife. One day when he is maddened by the actions of the cat, he cuts out its eye and later kills the cat by hanging ... We find that the narrator is sensitive and has a strong love for animals. We learn that his favorite animal was his black cat, and we also learn how his attitude changes after he starts drinking. Throughout the story the narrator never reveals the name of his wife or why he has no remorse when he horribly kills her (Hoffman 235). This may suggest that the narrator wants us to know ... 78). Another part in the story which can symbolize a lot of things is the fact that the cat is half blinded, this could exemplify that the narrator too is somehow half blinded maybe by drinking, or by guilt, or the unwillingness to see disturbing things. The physical harm the narrator inflicts upon the cat can symbolize how he instead wants to harm his wife. A further symbol is "The ...
- 92: Alcoholizm
- ... social, and genetic factors. It is characterized by an emotional and often physical dependence on alcohol, and it frequently leads to brain damage or early death. More males than females are affected by alcoholism, but drinking among the young and among women is increasing. Consumption of alcohol is apparently on the rise in the United States, as is the total alcohol consumption and prevalence of alcohol-related problems in the former ... the former Soviet Union. This increase is paralleled in other countries, including developing nations. After 1980, however, consumption remained relatively stable in many western European nations. Development Alcoholism, as opposed to merely excessive or irresponsible drinking, has been thought of as a symptom of psychological or social stress or as a learned, maladaptive coping behaviour. More recently, and probably more accurately, it has come to be viewed as a complex disease ... however, the person begins to drink against his or her own best interests, as alcohol comes to assume more importance than personal relationships, work, reputation, or even physical health. The person commonly loses control over drinking and is increasingly unable to predict how much alcohol will be consumed on a given occasion or, if the person is currently abstaining, when the drinking will resume again. Physical addiction to the drug ...
- 93: Alcoholism
- ... person's choice of friends and the things that they do. Alcohol becomes used as more of a relaxer than as a casual beverage. At first, the alcoholic may have a high tolerance of alcohol, drinking more and showing less effects than other drinkers. The alcohol becomes a very serious hazard to the users health. The person progresses by losing control over their drinking and are not able to control their habit. The effects on major organ systems include a wide range of digestive disorders such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The nervous system can also be permanently damaged. Blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur to the person as a direct result of drinking alcohol. Studies have evidence that shows that heavy or even moderate drinking during pregnancy can cause serious damage to the unborn child. This is known as fetal alcohol syndrome. About 10 percent of all ...
- 94: Treatments of Alcoholism
- ... on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence: *In 1988, alcoholism and problems related to it cost the United States an estimated $85.8 billion in mortality and reduced productivity; *Fetal alcohol syndrome, caused by a woman's drinking during pregnancy, afflicts five thousand infants a year; it costs about $1.4 billion annually to treat the infants, children and adults afflicted with FAS; *More than twenty thousand people die annually in alcohol related ... alcoholism harms society in numerous ways and it is in society's best interest to find effective treatments for alcoholics. The primary goal of all treatments for alcoholism is to get the alcoholic to stop drinking and refrain from abusing alcohol in the future. The paths to this goal are diverse. Several factors - biological, social and psychological - influence why an individual becomes an alcoholic. So treatments vary, depending upon why the ... the alcoholic's social or psychological cravings. Alcoholics Anonymous and Rational Recovery are two support groups that help alcoholics recover. Other alcoholics benefit from one-on-one therapy with counselors, who may help patients understand drinking and change their behavior. Finally for some alcoholics, the most effective treatments are those that combine medical treatment with counselling. Such treatments enable the alcoholic to more easily break the physical addiction to alcohol ...
- 95: Drugs and Pregnancy: Drugs Affect On The Baby
- ... of age each year, resulting in 7,500-15,000 hospitalizations. (2) Pregnancy and Alcohol A high level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is associated with stillbirths and miscarriages. (1) Studies suggest that binge-like drinking, or more drinks in a short amount of time, may be more harmful to the fetus than exposure to the same or larger amounts of alcohol spread out more evenly over time. (3) There is ... during pregnancy. (4) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- Alcohol and its metabolic product acetaldehyde quickly cross the placenta. Below normal birth weights occur when pregnant mothers consume as little as two alcoholic drinks per day. With heavier drinking, a collection of birth defects known as the fetal alcohol syndrome becomes increasingly likely. These children have a characteristic mixture of deformities that include small teeth with faulty enamel; irregular ear lobes, small, wide-set ... and learning problems. There is no precise blood alcohol threshold level above which damage occurs and below which there is no damage. Instead, the frequency and severity of defects progressively increase as the amount of drinking increases. (1) Drugs and Pregnancy Heavy marijuana use during pregnancy may cause impaired fetal growth and development, and may act synergistically with alcohol to increase the damaging effects of alcohol on the fetus. (2) ...
- 96: The Black Cat
- ... 76). This story begins with the narrator ,who is about to be hung, confessing what he has done in some type of repention for his soul. The narrator step by step describes how he began drinking and then to neglect his dearly beloved cat and his wife. One day when he is maddened by the actions of the cat, he cuts out its eye and later kills the cat by hanging ... We find that the narrator is sensitive and has a strong love for animals. We learn that his favorite animal was his black cat, and we also learn how his attitude changes after he starts drinking. Throughout the story the narrator never reveals the name of his wife or why he has no remorse when he horribly kills her (Hoffman 235). This may suggest that the narrator wants us to know ... 78). Another part in the story which can symbolize a lot of things is the fact that the cat is half blinded, this could exemplify that the narrator too is somehow half blinded maybe by drinking, or by guilt, or the unwillingness to see disturbing things. The physical harm the narrator inflicts upon the cat can symbolize how he instead wants to harm his wife. A further symbol is The ...
- 97: Confucianism And Raise The Red
- ... main purpose of these rules is to protect individual family members and help united the family. One very important rule of the Confucian family is that under no circumstances should birthdays become pretext for heavy drinking (Document 2 p. 69). In Raise the Red Lantern, the fourth mistress, Songlian, decided to drink very heavily to celebrate her birthday. This action by her went against the Confucian rule of not drinking to celebrate ones birthday. There is one exception to the rule is the birthday of those who are beyond their sixty-first year, which should be celebrated by their sons and grandsons drinking to their health (Document 2 p. 69). Songlian drinking had a negative effect on herself and the third sister. While she was drinking heavily she mentions an affair between the third sister and the ...
- 98: Ethical Decision Making Model
- ... come up with a conclusion by using the ethical decision making model. The facts that I have gathered are as followed: Tom, the supervisor of the shipping department, has informed me that he has a drinking problem. He is aware that this is the reason for the poor performance in his department. He has joined AA and has guaranteed that in the future there will be an improvement. Tom has been ... file a charge of discrimination. Having this information in mind, I knew that Tom could easily state that he was wrongfully terminated under the Privacy Act. He could state that he told me about his drinking problem in confidence and I used that against him to terminate him. Knowing this, I feel that a jury would agree with him. This negative publicity would not reflect well on Blitz Computers. The stakeholders ... the company, I would feel that my age hindered me or that my loyalty was in vain. I would also assume that I was fired because I trusted my manager with a secret of my drinking problem and he used it against me. Tom has admitted that he has a drinking problem and is taking action. It is only fair that he is given a chance to prove that he ...
- 99: The Trials of Alcohol
- ... t think that continuing to use alcohol will do anything overly positive for me. Alcohol will do nothing for me but hinder my ability to perform properly, clog my brain, and take my money. By drinking, all of my senses are whittled down next to nothing. When that happens, I am not able to do anything, especially study and thats what I am at college for. Another thing that alcohol will do to me is it will subject me too memory loss. I think its common sense that after a night of drinking it is very hard to remember what you did or what you didnt do. Alcohol also has the ability to take my money and make me poor. If I were to allow myself to ... me to lose all my money as my life matures. As a college student I obviously need all the money I can get so I think a wise choice for me would be to stop drinking. There is really only one way I think that being involved with alcohol could help my life. The only way that this could take place is if I were in the business of selling ...
- 100: Pesticides Are Affecting Our F
- ... these mixtures year-round. Everyone who drinks the water is affected, including millions of babies who consume pesticides when parents feed them infant formula reconstituted with tap water. There are unsafe levels of pesticides in drinking water which threaten the health of our children, since the health risk tolerance standards for contaminates in water is based on a 155 pound adult male. All across North America, there have been reports of contaminated drinking water. Here are just a few : researchers in Iowa recently tested drinking water in July, 1998, and found the herbicides atrazine, cyanazine and metolachlor which are linked to a range of adverse health effects, including respiratory distress, cerebral palsy and impaired development. Traces of herbicides are ...
Search results 91 - 100 of 1344 matching essays