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The Existence Of God

.... his existence is logically necessary considering he is “all knowing, all powerful, and all good.” {Since he is all knowing, all powerful, and all good he must exist because his powers are unlimited} (Malcolm) 3. Therefore the possibility of conceiving a being than which nothing greater can be conceived entails the logical necessity of the real existence of such a being. (Anselm) 4. Therefore to say that God does not exist is to contradict oneself. (Malcolm and Descarte) 5. The concept of .....

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The Opening Of The Crusades: Pope Urban II

.... to the Church, the lord pope went forth into a certain spacious plain, for no building was large enough to hold all the people. The pope then, with sweet and persuasive eloquence, addressed those present in words something like the following saying: "Oh, race of Franks, race from across the mountains, race beloved and chosen by God, as is clear from many of your works, set apart from all other nations by the situation of your country as well as by your Catholic faith and the honor which you render to the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1037 | Number of pages: 4

Genesis 1:1-30

.... the goodness. The third day ended with night, which was followed by morning. In verses fourteen through nineteen, the creation of morning light, night light, and the stars was explained. Also, he used these to mark the fixed time, days, and years. God saw the goodness, and the fourth day ended with night, which was followed by morning. In verses twenty through twenty-three, the creation of creatures that live in the sea, and winged animals were formed. He blessed these creatures and made them fertil .....

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.... keeping with their own cultural and religious beliefs. Surely a society existing at the time would have documented this miraculous event. Yet nowhere have such works been found. In the instance of the resurrection of the saints, Matthew is the only person to mention this occurence in the Bible. Surely other first-century Christians would have used this as further proof of Jesus' divinty. It would fall to reason that Paul and the gospels would have mentioned it. This is not, however, the case. Nowhere else .....

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.... noble truth is, that the only way to end craving is by following the eight fold path to perfection. There are four main types of Buddism. Theravada, Mahayana, Tantic, and Zen. Theravada is the oldest form of Buddism. And is to this day practiced by many Buddist monks. Mahayana is a popular form of Buddism in the West. Tantic combines both Theravada Buddism and Mahayana Buddism with indian practices. The last form of Buddism is Zen Buddism. Zen buddist put a great emphasize on contempl .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 366 | Number of pages: 2

The Roots Of Western Civilization

.... It formed their bases of living (Fenton 34). The Christians were using maintainable operations. Many people who had learned about it through missionaries were following this religion. The missionaries spent long hours and put forth much effort in their attempt to spread Christianity. This would take a while because of the broad size of the Roman Empire and the so little few of the missionaries. However, there were many conversions to Christianity within short period so this religion dominat .....

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Why Does Man Create Anyway?

.... along with prayer. There are different types of prayer. From quiet contemplation to complete ectasy or chaos in my opinion. Religious orders, specifically, differentiate from contemplative cloistered to active, or a little of both. Once I visited a different church with a friend and I found it incredibly hard to accept the way born again christians prayed so freely and openly compared to quiet contemplation, in a contemplative cloistered monastery with Benedictine Nuns. I questioned how one could re .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 444 | Number of pages: 2


.... only Baptism and Holy Communion, but refer to them as ordinances, not sacraments. BAPTISTS also believe in these two ordinances, and they very strongly resist the use of the term "sacrament." Though all the Christian denominations practice Baptism, they disagree on when they should do so. ROMAN CATHOLIC, EPISCOPALIAN, LUTHERAN, PRESBYTERIAN, REFORMED, and METHODIST churches baptize both infants and adult converts. Baptism is prior to Confirmation, which typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. In .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1460 | Number of pages: 6

The Holy Bible And Its History

.... Not one of the original writings, called "the Autographs" exist today. However, the Jewish scribes made very accurate copies of the originals over the many centuries. Certain European Jewish scribes called the Masoretes carefully transmitted it from copy to copy preserving and handing down their writings. Several of those "Masoretes" manuscripts still exist. Some of the more important ones are listed below: The Cairo Codex of the Prophets (AD 895) Containing the Prophets The British Museum C .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4094 | Number of pages: 15

The Hindu And Muslim Religions

.... became increasingly complex as the centuries passed. Consequently, it became necessary to create a priestly class and to train those priests to perform the rituals correctly. During this time, the Vedas were written to give the priests instructions as how to perform the rituals (Halverson 87-88). Dean C. Halverson quotes: According to Hindu tradition, Ishvarn became known to humanity through Trimurti (literally, “three manifestations”) of Brohman. Those manifestations include Brahma (the Cr .....

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Thomas Aquinas And The Existence Of God

.... except by something in a state of actuality.” Aquinas means that the change of state requires something in the state of actuality to actualize the potential. For example, in order for a house (which is in the state of actuality), to potentially become a pile of ashes something in the actual state (like a flame), has to cause the house to move from being actually a house and potentially a pile of ashes to actually a pile or ashes. In his third step Aquinas says, “Now it is not possible that the same thin .....

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Buddhism, Hinduism, And Christianity

.... and Herders, and the Sudras who were the laboring class made up of the servants and peasants. Hindu’s believed in Reincarnation also. It is the rebirth of the soul in another body after death. Hindu people believed the action of the people in their life were rewarded or punished in their next life. The Social affect this religion had on its people was that the caste system and its believes provided an organized society in which people believed social mobility comes only through reincarnation. Chris .....

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Comparing The Sermon On The Mount And The Sermon On The Plain

.... records nine beatitudes and among those, Luke recorded the first, second, fourth, and ninth. He also recorded four separate woes (curses or warnings of): “But alas for you who are rich; you have had your time of happiness. Alas for you who are well fed now; you will go hungry. Alas for you who laugh now; you will mourn and weep. Alas for you when all speak well of you; that is how their fathers treated the false prophets” (Lk. 6:24-36 Ox.). Following Luke’s account of the sermon, the law of love .....

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Puritanism During The Salem Witch Trials

.... paradise, because here if one possesses the desire and motivation a person can be whatever they wish. In the 1700’s, many immigrants came to the New World in the search of this freedom. One of these groups, the Puritans, came in the hope of founding an order composed of pure and untainted Christians. Even today many immigrants, both legal and illegal, come to the United States with the hope of escaping the oppression found in many parts of the world. Puritanism as a whole was a society of strict, exclu .....

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Christian Love And Community

.... with utmost seriousness. The preciousness of life in a moral community must be so highly honored that those who do not honor the life of others make null and void their own right to membership. Those who violate the personhood of others, especially if this is done persistently as a habit must pay the ultimate penalty. This punishment must be inflicted for the sake of maintaining the community whose foundation has been violated. We can debate whether some non-lethal alternative is a fitting substitute .....

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