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Confucianism And Christianity

.... the feudal system were had a personal duty to excel socially by means of power. Those who were of lesser class should also seek out education to better themselves. All purposes for betterment of man and society as one whole is known as Li. Li means ³the rationalized social order² (Yutang). Confucius felt that love and respect for authority was a key to a perfect society; this strict respect was practiced through rituals and magic (Smith). The Confucius traditions have caused a tradition to set wit .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1108 | Number of pages: 5

Does God Exist?

.... been created by God. This article is comprised of five different ways in which Aquinas tries to prove that we can be sure that God exists. In the third way, Aquinas tries to show that God exists if it is true that we exist. In the article Aquinas says that it is possible for things to exist and for them not to exist. He means that living things will one day become non- living things. Aquinas believes that all things can not be mortal because if it were true, then at some point nothing would exist. .....

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The Existence Of God

.... does the existence of God have upon mankind? These are only the tip of the iceberg amongst the vast array of unanswered questions related to God. Though there are so many uncertainties as we have just mentioned, the existence of all other uncertainties in our world may explain why the existence of God is so real to many people. For the believers, God provides a convenient answer to all these questions except for the answers regarding God itself. The following are some of the general arg .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1315 | Number of pages: 5

Impermanence, Selflessness, And Dissatisfaction

.... that suffering exists. The world is founded on suffering, (DeSilva, 1991:p 21) and once anything becomes a problem there is bound to be suffering, unsatisfactoriness, or conflict- conflict between our desires and the state of reality. Dissatisfaction is the most difficult characteristic of existence to apply to one's life, as it involves not only the acceptance of this state, but also outlines one on how to treat and cure this state. The notion that the world is an ever-changing environment on al .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1153 | Number of pages: 5

Thesis: Is There A God Or Is He(?) An Illusion?

.... their religion at a young age, and when they grow up they attempt to account for things using the notion of their religion as the basis for their speculations. On the other hand, there is no truth so certain as the existence of God. He is the groundwork of all our hopes, and our foundation of morality and society. Nothing exists without a cause. Although we can't demonstrate a soul-substance and the immortality of a soul, or demonstrate anything concerning the nature of God, there is still a dependency .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 327 | Number of pages: 2

The Truth About Physics And Religion

.... believe that physics and religion are entirely separate. They claim that physics is only concerned with discovering what is true or false, while religion is concerned with what is good or evil. Scientists appear to agree that “physics is the manner in which we argue about the objective side of reality.” Religious followers, on the other hand, agree that “religion is the way we express the subjective decisions that help us choose the standards by which we live.” Although these definitions seem to be cont .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1267 | Number of pages: 5


.... by the papacy in the Middle Ages, charged with seeking out, trying, and sentencing people guilty of heresy."2  Heretics were considered enemies of the state.  The penalty for heresy was torture and death.  The crucifixion of Jesus Christ, "Jesus was taken to Golgotha and nailed to a cross, the Roman punishment for political offenders and criminals."2  The Crusades, "The name Crusade (from Latin, "Cross") was also applied, to the wars against pagan peoples, Christian heretics, and political foes of .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 421 | Number of pages: 2


.... if not in this life, then the next. Hindu's also believe that punishing the body is part of the path to salvation. Christianity is nothing like this. Many Christians live in high©class society. Christianity is one of the most appealing in that any sins may easily be corrected and that Christians may live comfortable, if not wealthy lives without guilt. Christianity, like other religions though, has many weaknesses. Although as time goes on, Christianity is slowly evolving and trying to become even mo .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 839 | Number of pages: 4

Christ: VICTORY!!

.... won a victory here. The reason is because of all of the lifes that he saved and will later be saved. In Romans 5 it says that Jesus died for All Sinners! We are all sinners so his death was for all. When Jesus says that "It is finished", he can also be reffering to the older predictions of Christs' life. There is one in particular that it might have been talking about in Isaiah. That is the one in which Isaiah talks of the life of Jesus and the crusifiction, in very short and brief detail. The suffering .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 629 | Number of pages: 3

Jesus: The First Anarchist

.... in which it is given. We see Jesus sit down and observe how the people give money to the treasury, and his commentary on the donations shocks his disciples. "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood," says Jesus, teaching us an important lesson, one he stressed throughout his ministry. Jesus taught that the poor wo .....

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The Longest Day

.... something else in space. Using computers, scientists can tell the exact location of the planets and their moons for years into the future. By the same means, they have been able to backtrack and determine these specific locations in the past. It was during one such search that the extra day appeared. From various accounts of the incident, it appears that something "did not compute." The extra day was just there. There was no computer malfunction; there was no explanation for the interruption o .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 667 | Number of pages: 3

Religion In Public Schools

.... moment. In 1978 a few lawyers got together and considered a constitutional law. The original law said that public school teachers in gr ades 1-6 "shall announce that a period of silence, not to exceed one minute, shall be observed for meditation." This law did not work for long, because it still allowed oral prayer in public high schools. Later in 1981, the Alabama State Senator Donald G. Holmes successfully passed a bill that included all grades calling it "the moment of silence" this law said that "t .....

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What Is A Witch?

.... the practice of magic, and a reverence for the earth and all her inhabitants. Deity Concepts and Worship Practices "All religions are structures built on reverence of Deity. Wicca is no exception. The Wicca acknowledge a supreme divine power, unknowable, ultimate, from which the entire universe sprang,” (Cunningham, 9). This is a Witch's concept of the Divine. However, it is a distant, powerful image that is not easily understood. For the purpose of worship, the Wicca recognize the duality of th .....

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Women In Religion

.... could be priest" (Connel A1), is a common reference used to the scriptures found in the Bible. This attitude labeled tradition is still around today and is being taught today throughout the world, basically in the Roman Catholic religion. The Bible states "Let your women keep silent in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law" (I Corinthians 14:34). When a person receives the calling, whether man or woman, it usu .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 753 | Number of pages: 3

What Went Wrong: An Examination Of Separation Of Church And State

.... opinions that had lasted for one hundred and fifty years. Now, for almost fifty years, the Supreme Court , and the United States population in general, has used the phrase “separation of church and state” when referring to the religion clause of the 1st Amendment. The 1st amendment's actual wording is “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” (Barton, America: To… p.15) But, because of the Supreme Court's continuous citing of a “ wall .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1767 | Number of pages: 7

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