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Search results 131 - 140 of 359 matching essays
- 131: The Genetics of Violence
- ... the scientists. The social implications of the genetic search for aggressive tendency is seen by some as a great step forward, by others as a dangerous power with the ability to give birth to another Holocaust, and by still others as racist. At one time, it was believed that one’s character could be determined from the bumps in one’s skull. Much later, in the 1960’s, as science marched ... in the United States, although they acted out of sincere desire to build a better society, could do little when their ideas took root in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and soon became the Holocaust; this is where much genetic tension and fear stem from. One of the researchers, David Wasserman, a soft-spoken legal scholar, was shouting at the top of his lungs that, "There are a hell of ...
- 132: Tom Clancy
- ... for parents to take their children on vacation. One less noted advancement the eras brought is a considerable amount of exciting and forewarning fiction. While most authors chose to warn of nuclear and post nuclear holocaust, one significant author chose a different approach. Tom Clancy chose to write of conventional warfare and sometimes unconventional enemies. Between his novel Red Storm Rising and Debt of Honor, Tom Clancy makes evident the changing ... without nuclear weapons. Of course, throughout the Cold War the many themes of the U.S.S.R. attacking the U.S are presented by various authors. All of these had the same result: nuclear holocaust. One exception is that Red Storm Rising is the first to present it (theme of U.S.S.R. attacking the U.S.) in a non-nuclear scenario. This is very intriguing to examine the ...
- 133: Chaim Potok And The Problem Of Assimilation For The American
- ... in Western Civilization. He must reconcile his own faith in the supremity of Judaism with this beauty that was created without any Jewish impact (Potok 6-7). The Chosen deals with the aftermath of the Holocaust and the Zionist movement. In this novel the characters handle the news of the Holocaust in different ways: Reb Saunders seeks an answer from God, while David Malther becomes a Zionist, working in the world to prevent such travesties from occurring again (Young). Reb Saunders does not believe in the ...
- 134: Nazism
- ... took power in Germany, the Nazis issued a degree, ordering the compulsory retirement of “non-Aryans” from the civil service. This edict, petty in itself, was the first spark in what was to become the Holocaust, one of the most ghastly episodes in the modern history of mankind. Before he campaign against the Jews was halted by the defeat of Germany, something like 11 million people had been slaughtered in the name of Nazi racial purity. The Jews were not the only victims of the Holocaust. Millions of Russians, Poles, gypsies and other “subhumans” were also murdered. But Jews were the favored targets--first and foremost. It took the Nazis some time to work up to the full fury of their ...
- 135: World War 2
- ... War 2 When the subject of WWII comes up, there are two incredible images about the war come up in my mind, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the killing of the Jews in the Holocaust. As the class went through the subjects of WWII, I was not aware of the whole process of how the war started in Europe, and two or three years later is when the US actually ... by Japan. The Japanese took over the Philippines and many other small islands to expand their territory, and to push the Japanese back the US had to literally jump from island to island. During the Holocaust, I knew that most or all of the Jews put into concentration camps being camps being killed in the hundreds each day, but now knowing that there were many concentration camps were shocking knowing each ...
- 136: Historical Analysis Of Jerzy K
- ... protagonist survives the abuse inflicted by men, women, children and beasts to be reclaimed by his parents 7 years later--a cold, indifferent, and callous individual. The protagonist¹s experiences and observations demonstrate that the Holocaust was far too encompassing to be contained within the capsule of Germany with its sordid concentration camps and sociopolitical upheaval. Even remote and ³backward² villages of Poland were exposed and sucked into the maelstrom of ... apply them to the experiences we see him having. And if we closely examine them, we¹ll find that such ideas are still in the air today--that it is possible for something like the Holocaust to happen again if circumstances are arranged just so. Bosnia, for example, resounds with the echo of the Nazis¹ boots. One of the greatest aspects of fiction is that, in many senses, it is always ...
- 137: What Is Art ?
- ... behavior. These works are but paper and ink until we make our own interpretations of what is morally right. The fiction of living out a situation in an art work, say a film about the Holocaust, puts one in an objective perspective, as Murdoch puts it " Art...gives sense to a notion of reality...".(book pg.200) However, it is the same fiction that can distort reality and mislead the reader or audience. For instance watching a film about the Holocaust can give one a sense of the terror of a victim, but if the work is from the perspective of Hitler, the audience can be misled just as Germany was into believing the Fuhrer is ...
- 138: The Atomic Bomb and its Effects on Post-World War II
- ... billions of dollars and tens of thousands of people to produce the atomic bomb. During the time after the war, until just recently the American psyche has been branded with the threat of a nuclear holocaust. Here was something so powerful, yet so diminutive. A bomb that could obliterate our nations capital, and that was as big as somebodies backyard grill. For the first time in the history of human existence ... Vonnegut and used in this novel, is the religion of every single inhabitant of San Lorenzo, the books imaginary banana republic. This is the island where Jonah eventually ends up, and where the ice-nine holocaust originates. (It also, being a Caribbean nation, strangely resembles Cuba.) Bokonon is a strange religion. It was created by one of the leaders of San Lorenzo, a long time ago. Essentially, Bokonon is the only ...
- 139: Existentialism In Film
- ... was the seedy world of the disenfranchised. The cities were increasingly crime ridden. The economy was in a slump and Mom-and-Pop businesses were being swallowed up into faceless conglomerates. The atrocities of the Holocaust were being discovered. The bomb had been dropped. There was a growing awareness of racial inequality while women remained in the work force. Film noir would be driven by a concern for the dark shadow ... early existentialism) for sound examples of that philosophical basis for his creative endeavor. In a similar vein, one only need view Dr. Strangeglove, the genuinely hilarious satire of (of all things to be funny) nuclear holocaust, or Full Metal Jacket, a not dissimilar study of the Vietnam Conflict and its particular challenge to the twentieth century as a war that stands apart from all wars, or A Clockwork Orange, the quintessential ...
- 140: Auschwitz
- ... abandoned. About 7,650 inmates were freed by the Soviets. All the others were freed on January 17, 1945. When they reached Auschwitz, the Nazi’s had dynamited the four gas chambers and crematoriums. The holocaust had a terrible affect on people. It made some people believe that killing people just because they are different was the right thing to do. But, it also made some people realize that not everyone should be alike. The world would get too boring if you saw basically the same face everyday. The families that were involved in the Holocaust were torn apart. Not only the victims families, but the soldiers also. They were sentenced in a set of trails known as the Nuremberg Trials. Some of the families were never the same. It just ...
Search results 131 - 140 of 359 matching essays