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Search results 111 - 120 of 359 matching essays
- 111: Eleanor Roosevelt
- ... Her compassion towards the survivors of those concentration camps and gas chambers, made her take part in a memorial service of protest about it. She did what she could to help the survivors of the holocaust escape death, including getting visas for the refugees who managed to get to Spain and Portugal. The issuance of visas to children was another thing that she tried to do to help the younger people ... people and what they thought the role of a woman was all about. This accomplishment was a great benefit to the women of society. Eleanor’s awareness of the treatment of the Jewish during the holocaust helped to save numerous lives because of what she was able to do. She rescued people from the horror of concentration camps by getting them to safety. The infinite amount of refugees she helped mattered ...
- 112: Tom Clancy's Genius
- ... for parents to take their children on vacation. One less noted advancement the eras brought is a considerable amount of exciting and forewarning fiction. While most authors chose to warn of nuclear and post nuclear holocaust, one significant author chose a different approach. Tom Clancy chose to write of conventional warfare and sometimes unconventional enemies. Between his novel Red Storm Rising and Debt of Honor, Tom Clancy makes evident the changing ... without nuclear weapons. Of course, throughout the Cold War the many themes of the U.S.S.R. attacking the U.S are presented by various authors. All of these had the same result: nuclear holocaust. One exception is that Red Storm Rising is the first to present it (theme of U.S.S.R. attacking the U.S.) in a non-nuclear scenario. This is very intriguing to examine the ...
- 113: Do You Have A Voice
- ... voice he would have gotten angry with Jim for calling him trash and Huck would not have apologized. The article, that accompanied my writing assignment, is about a man named Elie Wiesel. Wiesel is a Holocaust survivor, he is an author, has won the Noble Peace Prize, and most important of all, Wiesel has a voice. Egil Aarvik, chairman of the Norwegian Noble Committee, said, Wiesel s mission is not to gain the world s sympathy for the victims or the survivors. His aim is to awaken our conscience. With Wiesel s focus on getting us to realize what happened during the Holocaust, he has made a voice for himself. He is trying to teach other people about this terrible monstrosity, so that no one could make that mistake again. Wiesel is making a difference, the difference he ...
- 114: Auschwitz
- How could all this have happened? This is one of the many questions associated with the Holocaust. The Third Reich of no doubt on of the world’s largest and most feared empires. It could have easily overthrown the Roman Empire and was the most worthy adversary of the British Empire. The ... of the Main Commission for the investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Deniers acknowledge that some Jews were incarcerated in places such as Auschwitz, but they maintain, as they did at the trial of a Holocaust denier in Canada, it was equipped with "all the luxuries of a country club, including a swimming pool, a dance hall and recreational facilities." Some Jews may have died, they said, but this was the ...
- 115: Night
- Night The book Night, by Elie Wiesel, is an autobiography about his experiences during the Holocaust. The story takes place in the 1940’s. The main characters are Elie and his father. Other characters are Elie’s mother and sister. In the beginning of the book, trouble is starting around the ... he looked at himself in the mirror and saw a corpse. That image never left him. This was a very good book. I thought it was very interesting to read about what happened during the holocaust through the point of view of a survivor. I liked the fact that the narrator, at the beginning of the story, was a child. However, as the story progressed, the narrator evolved into a man ...
- 116: Elie Wiesel
- ... a “corpse” staring back at him. Elie Wiesel now lives in the United Stated under the name of Andrew Mellon. He is the Professor of Humanities at Boston University. He is also Chairman of the Holocaust Memorial Council. This organization is a nonpolitical organization that was formed to educate people of the crimes put forth on the Jewish people during the Holocaust (Chaimberlin 14). Works Cited Chamberlin, Brewster, and Marcia Feldman eds. The Liberation of the Nazi Concentration Camps 1945. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C, 1987. . Wiesel, Elie. Night . Bantam Books: New York, 1989 .
- 117: Chaim Potok And The Problem Of Assimilation For The American
- ... in Western Civilization. He must reconcile his own faith in the supremity of Judaism with this beauty that was created without any Jewish impact (Potok 6-7). The Chosen deals with the aftermath of the Holocaust and the Zionist movement. In this novel the characters handle the news of the Holocaust in different ways: Reb Saunders seeks an answer from God, while David Malther becomes a Zionist, working in the world to prevent such travesties from occurring again (Young). Reb Saunders does not believe in the ...
- 118: Elie Wiesel's Night
- ... sense that I agree strongly with the Washington Post. Elie Wiesel, put all his feelings aside and attempted, by writing this novel, to portray to us the readers the things he went through in the Holocaust. In a way he is making sure that other people will not have to go through the things that he went through, especially at the young ages that he went through it all. A young mind shouldn't be able to comprehend the Holocaust, and that it is why it is not taught at younger levels, but still at the age of just twelve and above. Elie was able not only to comprehend but also to be able to ...
- 119: Adilf Hitler
- ... of Greeks, Yukoslavs, and resistent fighters from other Euorpean countries, and many others. Few Jews escaped. Some went into hiding and others went into the Soviet Union ahead of the German armies. By 1945 the Holocaust of the death camps had consumed more than 6 million Jews. This is an example of Hitler's greed. He felt that everyone had to be like him for he was, "the perfect man." Everyone ... and half mad, Hitler retreated to the bunker in the Berlin chancellory. There he was joind by his mistress Eva Braun, whom he had married before they commited suicide, April 30th , 1945. This ended the Holocaust and Germany's great rien over all other countries for their Führer was gone. In conlusion, Hitler's ego, greed, and self centeredness caused him to abuse his great deal of power. He took advantage ...
- 120: Do You Have A Voice
- ... voice he would have gotten angry with Jim for calling him trash and Huck would not have apologized. The article, that accompanied my writing assignment, is about a man named Elie Wiesel. Wiesel is a Holocaust survivor, he is an author, has won the Noble Peace Prize, and most important of all, Wiesel has a voice. Egil Aarvik, chairman of the Norwegian Noble Committee, said, Wiesel s mission is not to gain the world s sympathy for the victims or the survivors. His aim is to awaken our conscience. With Wiesel s focus on getting us to realize what happened during the Holocaust, he has made a voice for himself. He is trying to teach other people about this terrible monstrosity, so that no one could make that mistake again. Wiesel is making a difference, the difference he ...
Search results 111 - 120 of 359 matching essays