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Search results 141 - 150 of 859 matching essays
- 141: Frank Sinatra
- ... movies, and many special appearances. During the 50s and early 60s Sinatra remained the top seller in the album market. He worked with everyone from his early inspiration Bing Crosby to young rock stars such as Quincy Jones and Elvis Presley. Besides from being an excellent singer, Frank could act. He starred in such films as The Man with the Golden Arm, Suddenly, and one of his greatest films ... year they released some of those pages they had recorded on Sinatra. Some of the files were on such topics as The Rat Pack and prostitutes, Frank and the mob, and Affairs with numerous movie stars. Among the files, included a federal report on the plane crash that killed Sinatras mother, a report of a 1966 bomb threat against Sinatra in Miami Beach, and a 1969 death threat in which ...
- 142: The Paparazzi And The Legislat
- ... laws that protected us from her, but no deterrent or law to protect us from aggressive paparazzi" (Quill, 86). He states that "it s the hunting, not the cooking" that celebrities want protection against. Other stars, politicians, and victims of infamous crimes have similar stories. The laws that are being considered, four in total as of June 98, have a positive and negative side to them. All laws are being made ... Maria Shriver. Actor George Clooney led a boycott of tabloid TV shows for what he considered intrusive and unfair coverage. He was joined by his colleagues on the cast of ER, ass well as other stars, including Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O Donnell, and Steven Spielberg. As a result of the boycott, the shows changed their rules about what would be accepted and aired. When a vague and ambitious law interferes with ...
- 143: The Conflict
- ... being in the wrong place at the wrong time, an innocent by-stander could be the receiver of a fatal bullet wound. And as the innocent are ' shot down ' it seems as though the ' private stars ' which we look up to to light up the dark areas of our lives start to fade. Hope starts to fade. When help arrives after a deadly battle, 'The red advance of life' calls out ... and if anyone can live there it is only the ghosts who have endured the harshness of the past warring. In simple terms, it is telling us to look towards a new light, find new stars to light up the night. And not to let old conflicts hold us back and prevent us from advancing through life. No matter what the conflict we cannot be blinded by rough times that are ...
- 144: How Advertising Affects What You Buy
- ... Why the original idea was changed and how that effected the desire for one of these cars. 6. What advertising did to get rid of left over war goods. How the people reacted to the stars when they were confronted by the idea of using what they do. How the company went about changing their product, and how it changed. What inventions made the transition easier. 7. What makes advertising effective ... they had a warehouse full of these cellucotton sheets. So they looked at alternatives, and so occurred the birth of the Sanitary Cold Cream Remover. The way that this company advertised was by using Hollywood stars and Broadway dancers, saying that you could be like them. These were a disposable substitute for the cloth facial towels, and a package of one hundred cost only sixty-five cents. The manufacturers hired Helen ...
- 145: The Absence Of Truth Leads To
- ... Children from whom all men would turn their eyes; And that I should be my father's murderer. I heard all this, and fled. And from that day Corinth to me was only in the stars Am I evil, then? It must be so, Since I must flee from Thebes, yet never again See my own countrymen, my own country, For fear of joining my mother in marriage And killing Polybus ... he says: This is the excellent floppery of the world, that, When we are sick in fortune, often the surfiets of our Own behaviour, we make guilty of our disasters the Sun, moon, and the stars; as if we were villains on Necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion (1, ii, 118-122)" Edgar does not acknowledge his destiny and believes human actions determine future occurrences. He presumes he has the power to ...
- 146: Mass Media, Sex, and Pornography
- ... as only being able to fill male sexual desires. To say that pictures featuring nudity, etc, are making objects out of women is foolish. One should consider females who pin-up posters of male rock stars or children who collect hockey or baseball cards. Society, however, does not say that objects are being made out of these rock stars and sports heroes; pictures of clothed people are no less objects than pictures of naked people. Many complaints are also made to the effect that pornography only offers a one-dimensional view to life; that ...
- 147: Galileo Galilei
- ... began causing him problems. The Roman Catholic Church was uneasy about this declaration that they were wrong. The Church believed that all the planetary bodies were formed at the beginning of Creation, and that new stars were impossible. In 1609, Galileo heard of a spyglass that had been developed in Holland and quickly constructed one himself - the first telescope of twenty times magnification. Galileo presented the telescope to the senate of ... our moon revolved around the earth. Since these four bodies apparently circled Jupiter, this theory was put in question. Also through his telescope, Galileo observed that the Milky Way was made up of thousands of stars and that could not be seen with the naked eye. After observing Earth's moon and then finding the four moons of Jupiter though his new device, he began to declare that the findings of ...
- 148: The Solar System
- ... The most important are the 9 planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Mercury is the closest to the sun and Pluto is the farthest. The solar system also includes the stars and the moon. The Heliocentric model was created in 1543 and it shows how the solar system functions. In the model the stars and the sun are stationary they dont move. The planets including earth move in circles around the sun in an eastward motion. It takes a year for the earth to make a complete circle ...
- 149: Oxygen
- ... Occurrence Oxygen is formed by a number of nuclear processes that are believed to occur in stellar interiors. The most abundant isotope of oxygen, with mass 16, is thought to be formed in hydrogen-burning stars by the capture of a proton by the isotopes of nitrogen and fluorine, with the subsequent emission of, respectively, a gamma ray and an alpha particle. In helium-burning stars the isotope of carbon with mass 12 is thought to capture an alpha particle to form the isotope with mass 16 with the emission of a gamma ray. In the terrestrial environment oxygen accounts for ...
- 150: UFOs and Alien Life
- ... life was too complex to evolve anywhere else. Earth is the only place with water, sunshine, and food so creatures could survive," (Kraske 18). Some scientists stated, "it is not possible for people from other stars to visit Earth. The distances are too great. Even if space-craft travel at the speed of light, the journey to the nearest star would take four and one half years; nothing can travel faster ... anonymous scientists stated, "if they're really out there, why don't they just land and get it over with," (Thorne 45) and "UFO hardware pieces of crafts haven't turned up and flight between stars is impossible," (Knight 56). From 1947-1969, 12,618 sightings have been reported and out of them, only 701 have been unexplained which are about 5.6%. The Air Force also stated in a report ...
Search results 141 - 150 of 859 matching essays