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Search results 131 - 140 of 859 matching essays
- 131: Does The Mass Media Cause Undesireable Social Consequences With Specific Reference To Pornography
- ... as only being able to fill male sexual desires. To say that pictures featuring nudity, etc, are making objects out of women is foolish. One should consider females who pin-up posters of male rock stars or children who collect hockey or baseball cards. Society, however, does not say that objects are being made out of these rock stars and sports heroes; pictures of clothed people are no less objects than pictures of naked people. Many complaints are also made to the effect that pornography only offers a one- dimensional view to life; that ...
- 132: The Good Death -
- ... Miller, Kenneth, pg. 38). But to kill yourself along with others will only put you further away from God. Not everyone can be a suicide bomber, but those who make the grade are seen as stars, their faces captured on posters, key chains and collectors cards (Miller, Kenneth, pg. 38). To be a suicide bomber is nothing to be proud of. What they have done is taken the power of God into their own hands. Suicide bombers should be viewed as criminals not stars. Terrorists usually do not have a problem with finding financial support. Terrorists are surrounded with ways of finding financial support. Certain kinds of financial support are state sponsored, robbery, extortion, and blackmail. Sometimes, of course ...
- ... as only being able to fill male sexual desires. To say that pictures featuring nudity, etc, are making objects out of women is foolish. One should consider females who pin-up posters of male rock stars or children who collect hockey or baseball cards. Society, however, does not say that objects are being made out of these rock stars and sports heroes; pictures of clothed people are no less objects than pictures of naked people. Many complaints are also made to the effect that pornography only offers a one-dimensional view to life; that ...
- 134: Mysteries of the Sphinx
- ... the Giza Plateau was laid out as an earthly 'map' of the constellation Orion. The sphinx, in other words, was made to look at his own image in the horizon (Bauval 31). So were the stars in today's constellation of Orion also identified as a lion by the ancient Egyptians of 10,500 BC? According to Robert Bauvel, yes. Bauval believes the ancient Egyptians not only had a lion in their zodiac, but also mapped their lion constellations to the same, identical stars that are in the modern-day constellations (Paulson 2). The significance of the Sphinx is an ongoing debate. Perhaps we will never know its true builders, date of origin, or even its significance. But in ...
- 135: Disneyland
- ... three. To this day I still remember shaking Mickey Mouse's hand, giving Goofy a hug, and meeting all of the rest of my favorite Disney characters. It was a truly euphoric experience to meet stars of all my favorite cartoons that I so loyally watched every morning. When I reached preschool, and found out how to brag, my trip to Disneyland was some of my best ammo. I laugh now at the fact that Mickey and Goofy were just normal people, yet I was overwhelmed at the time to meet such stars. Several years passed, and I was now a twelve year old who remembered Disneyland as a place where little kids go to meet Mickey Mouse. Fortunately upon arrival to the park I realized I was ...
- 136: The Day Of The Jackal
- ... and Country, but a professional. They would seek out and hire the man known only as "The Jackal" and give him what he wanted -- a lot of money. 1973's The Day of the Jackal stars Edward Fox as the cold-blooded killer, and features an international cast and location shoots throughout England, France, and Italy. As The Jackal, Fox strikes just the right note. At no time during the story ... shot will be possible anyway) and barely looks like a weapon. It's smart and sleek, but certainly not the sort of thing that teenage boys might construe as a transposed Freudian phallus. Bruce Willis stars as the assassin in The Jackal, so we can safely rule out upper-crust English charm right away. And don't bother looking for the rifle, because it is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Willis ...
- 137: Ets And Ufos
- ... have a strong belief that ET s exist. An American astronomer, Frank Drake, tried to detail the probability of life elsewhere in the galaxy, and according to him, 10 per cent of nearly 400 billion stars in our galaxy are similarly like our sun. Therefore about 40 billion are possibly life-giving stars, and of these, maybe only 4 billion are like our Earth. The remaining 90 per cent are either too hot or too cold. Of course life and intelligence are not the same, and that means ...
- 138: Disneyland
- ... three. To this day I still remember shaking Mickey Mouse's hand, giving Goofy a hug, and meeting all of the rest of my favorite Disney characters. It was a truly euphoric experience to meet stars of all my favorite cartoons that I so loyally watched every morning. When I reached preschool, and found out how to brag, my trip to Disneyland was some of my best ammo. I laugh now at the fact that Mickey and Goofy were just normal people, yet I was overwhelmed at the time to meet such stars. Several years passed, and I was now a twelve year old who remembered Disneyland as a place where little kids go to meet Mickey Mouse. Fortunately upon arrival to the park I realized I was ...
- 139: Civil War Journal
- ... acquaintances in my company, Company B. There is Michael Watkins, whom I may become quite attached to. Then there is Josiah Masterson who is frankly very pious and will shoot at the sight of any Stars and Stripes Yankee. The last man I befriended is William Chance. Will is the census taker of the wounded and dead. I must say it is not a pleasant job, but if one wanted to ... war was over so our family's house would not be as divided as it is now. I just do not understand. Without this war, the ground thaws, the rain falls, the grass grows, the stars will gleam and the poets will dream. Life goes on, but if my family is gone, I will die inside. My poetics are improving I must say but, that will not help me much fighting ...
- 140: Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
- ... on My soul in agony". To the Mariner, nature has become foreign. The execution of the Albatross causes physical and spiritual decay. The Mariner then has a changed eye on nature. While looking at the stars and the moon, the Mariner notices that the stars have a place in the sky, and they belong to a set position. The Moon, however does not, and is on a journey like the Mariner. It is then that the Mariner decides to accept ...
Search results 131 - 140 of 859 matching essays