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Search results 21 - 30 of 7924 matching essays
- 21: Short-story Paper
- SHORT STORY PAPER Compare/contrast Faulkner s Dry September with A rose for Emily in terms of writing style and character presentation. What is going to be analyzed in this paper are the two short stories by W. Faulkner A Rose for Emily and Dry September . Basically, what is to be performed is a comparison/contrast analysis in terms of the writing style and character presentation. More specifically, I will ...
- 22: Tools Used in the Writing of Short Stories
- Tools Used in the Writing of Short Stories There is a fairly large group of authors that fall into the short story genre. These authors use these short stories to show people things that they might not have seen before, or maybe something they should look at in more detail. These short stories can often ...
- 23: Preface to Short Story Selection - The Matisse Stories
- Preface to Short Story Selection - The Matisse Stories The book that I read by A S Byatt called the Matisse Stories was a trilogy of stories about Matisses paintings. The first story took place in a beauty salon where the protagonist, Susannah usually had her hair done. The salon was painted in soft pink ...
- 24: Ernest Hemingway: His Life And His Stories
- Ernest Hemingway: His Life And His Stories Ernest Hemingway was man of many words. He wrote many novels and short stories. Ernest Hemingway also led a hard life. He often incorporated his life into his stories. His life and work was a direct result of his life. Some of his stories show a direct relationship ...
- 25: Hemingway And Alcohol
- An Analysis of the Presence of Alcohol in Ernest Hemingway s Short Stories Alcohol and Desperation: An Analysis of the Presence of Alcohol in Ernest Hemingway s Short Stories Throughout the short stories of Ernest Hemingway, alcohol inevitably lends its company to situations in which desperation already resides. In an examination of his earlier works, such as In Our Time, a comparison ...
- 26: ... transition from a plausible concept to a ludicrous one. Science fiction is a relatively new term. Novels were first categorized this way towards the close of the 1920's. This word was first utilized in short stories that appeared in the pulp magazines, of the era. The phrase "science fiction" was considered an enhancement of the term scientifiction. However several British novels were categorized as scientific romances before the 1920's. (Aldiss ... as well as its future. (Aldiss Trillion 120) Wells had three main qualities that made him the literary success that he was. He was an inquiring person and searched for knowledge in all of his stories. Wells also had the natural ability to observe the world the way it is, with no prejudices or biased opinions. He also avoided writing lead characters in any one of his novels. This did ...
- 27: Successful Relationships and Short Stories
- Successful Relationships and Short Stories A successful relationship is the Holy Grail in life for most people. We are constantly searching and striving to attain that bond with someone with out fully understanding the components involved in making it happen ... hoping to gain from the relationship, concerns, and hopes for themselves as individuals and as a collective. Failure to do this would surely be the demise of any relationship. There are many instances in the short stories in which I have read where two characters are unable to grasp the concept in which I am putting forth. A prime example would be Miss Dent and Mr. Blake from John Cheever' ...
- 28: An Analysis of Hawthorne's Short Stories
- An Analysis of Hawthorne's Short Stories In many of Nathaniel Hawthorne's short stories, he creates characters with either a malicious or evil feature to relay to the reader a more allegorical meaning. Many would say he targets woman without justification. Therefore a reader may interpret him ...
- 29: An Analysis of Hawthorne's Short Stories
- An Analysis of Hawthorne's Short Stories In many of Nathaniel Hawthorne's short stories, he creates characters with either a malicious or evil feature to relay to the reader a more allegorical meaning. Many would say he targets woman without justification. Therefore a reader may interpret him ...
- 30: William Faulkner
- ... of prose fiction. He was born in New Albany, Mississippi, where he lived a life filled with good times as well as bad. However, despite bad times he would become known as a poet, a short story writer, and finally one of the greatest contemporary novelists of his time. William Faulkner's accomplishments resulted not only from his love and devotion to writing, but also from family, friends, and certain uncontrollable ... interest in poetry around 1910, but no one in Oxford, Mississippi, could tell him hat to do with his poems. Faulkner, who was very talkative, would always entertain Estelle Oldham by telling her vividly imaginary stories. Eventually, Faulkner grew very fond of Estelle. She became the sole inspirer and recipient of Faulkner's earlier poems. Not long after Faulkner began seeing Estelle regularly, he met a man named Phil Stone who ... of modern aestheticism"(Minter 36). Faulkner enrolled at the University of Mississippi, and did not let his academic years distract him from writing more poems. The Mississippian, the student paper, published "Landing in Luck." The short story, nine pages in length were created directly from his direct experience in the Royal Air Force flight training in 1916. After awhile he began to get tired of school once again. He started ...
Search results 21 - 30 of 7924 matching essays