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Search results 21 - 30 of 2219 matching essays
- 21: Treatment And The Sex Offender
- ... offenders. The sex offender literature is complex, such as Marshal (1996) belief that assessment of the sex offender with phallometric procedures is ethically questionable, and that it is much easier to predict violent recidivism than sexual recidivism. However, Hanson and Bussieres (1996) meta-analysis of 61 sex offender studies found 970 correlation\\'s with recidivism concluding the following: a) the largest single predictor of sexual offending were sexual preference for children and deviant sexual preference as measured by phallometric methods. The respective r values were high (.32 and .22); b) measures of personal distress, be they anxiety, depression, or self-esteem, were ...
- 22: Sexual Behaviour As The Means
- Sexual Behaviour as the Means Order Sexual behaviour has been changed and moulded into a revolution over the last 100 years. The changes in our societies have allowed the freedom of public displays of affection. Woman have also played a large part of the sexual revolution. They have gone from doing all that men want to asking men on dates. With this sexual freedom problems have arrived. Rape and sexual harassment have increased leaving us to ask questions. Is ...
- 23: Pornography
- ... these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and prodded by psychologist and psychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of his violent actions and sexual frustrations. Many theories arose in attempts to explain the motivational factors behind his murderous escapades. However, the strongest and most feasible of these theories came not from the psychologists, but from the man himself, "as ... sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression and . . . callous attitudes towards women is much stronger statistically than the relationship between smoking and cancer" (Itzin 22). After considering the increase in rape and molestation, sexual harassment, and other sex crimes over the last few decades, and also the corresponding increase of business in the pornography industry, the link between violence and pornography needs considerable study and examination. Once the evidence ...
- 24: Violence And Pornography
- ... these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and prodded by psychologist and psychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of his violent actions and sexual frustrations. Many theories arose in attempts to explain the motivational factors behind his murderous escapades. However, the strongest and most feasible of these theories came not from the psychologists, but from the man himself, as ... sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression and . . . callous attitudes towards women is much stonger statistically than the relationship between smoking and cancer (Itzin 22). After considering the increase in rape and molestation, sexual harassment, and other sex crimes over the last few decades, and also the corresponding increase of business in the pornography industry, the link between violence and pornogrpahy needs considerable study and examination. Once the evidence ...
- 25: Business And Society
- ... ethical problems. The asking of questions could create discussions about subjects left to one individual. If management do not implement clear policies to instill ethical behavior through the firm, managers are likely to come cynical. SEXUAL HARASSMENT There has been a steady increase in the number of sexual harassment cases since the 1991 Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearing. A recent Supreme Court ruling that an employer can be held liable for sexual harassment, even if the employer is unaware of the incident. ...
- 26: Beware -- Witch Hunt In Sessio
- ... 1947. Ninety-one persons in the shady category most of these were homosexuals. On April 19, a Times news story is headed: Perverts Called Government Peril Guy George Gabrielson, Republican National Chairman, asserted today that sexual perverts who have infiltrated our Government in recent years were perhaps as dangerous as the actual Communists. On May 5, the Times reports that New York State s Republican Governor Dewey accused the Democratic national ... accept and even encourage the public and private humiliation of and discrimination against a specific group of American citizens? In order to examine these questions, we need to look at the social, economic, political, and sexual mindset of our society. The Depression Era created vast impoverishment, economic dislocations, fewer marriages and fewer births. The traditional family structure received a severe blow, whereas some families banded together, many broke up or never ... an ailing labor force, which gave them a sense of power and autonomy that was threatening to a white, male patriarchy. Families endured prolonged separations, divorce and desertion occurred more frequently, and the trend toward sexual permissiveness accelerated. Juvenile delinquency emerged as a perplexing social problem, and the rate of premarital pregnancy and illegitimacy rose. (D Emilio, 233) While the public was being presented with radical gender and social changes, ...
- 27: Sexual Behaviours Of Universit
- Sexual Behaviours of Students and Correlation with Other Behaviours Students today are faced with different pressures coming from all aspects of their lives. We decided to focus our study on the sexual behaviours of students and how these behaviours relate to other aspects of their personal and academic lives. Interest was taken in how these areas would differ with relation to gender, age, and lifestyle. Interest was ... how alcohol affects these behaviours, and how these behaviours affect student s academic performance. When we began our research, we hypothesized that males with a higher self-esteem in general, would tend to engage in sexual behaviours more frequently than those with a lower self-esteem. We thought that females with high self-esteems would engage in sexual behaviours less frequently than those with lower self-esteems. We also hypothesized ...
- 28: Pornography: Sex or Subordination?
- ... these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and prodded by psychologist and psychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of his violent actions and sexual frustrations. Many theories arose in attempts to explain the motivational factors behind his murderous escapades. However, the strongest and most feasible of these theories came not from the psychologists, but from the man himself, as ... sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression and . . . callous attitudes towards women is mush stronger statistically than the relationship between smoking and cancer (Itzin 22). After considering the increase in rape and molestation, sexual harassment, and other sex crimes over the last few decades, and also the corresponding increase of business in the pornography industry, the link between violence and pornography needs considerable study and examination. Once the evidence ...
- 29: Law of Precedent
- ... first is the ruling of a court case, and the second is the sentencing or judicial decision of a case. In order to examine the first form an example is given. A long time ago, sexual harassment at the work place was virtually unheard of or it was ignored altogether. The case probably would not even make it to court. Nowadays if a boss (traditionally a man) simply inquires about an employee's sexual status (traditionally the woman) is considered sexual harassment, and the boss would be found guilty of the charge. This is a classic example of the changing views of society. Sixty plus years ago, women ...
- 30: Porography
- ... these murders, Ted Bundy, who was later apprehended and executed.During his detention in various penitentiaries,he was mentally probed and probbed by phycologist and phychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of violent actions and sexual frustrations.Many theories arose in attempts to explain the motivational factors behind his muderous escapades.However, the strongest and feasible of these theories came not from the phycologists, but from the man himself, "As a ... sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression and ...callous attitudes towards women is much stronger statistically than the relationship beetween smoking and cancer"(Itzin 22).After considering the increase in rape and molestation,sexual harasement,and other sex crimes over the last few decades,and also the corresponding increase of buisness in the pornography needs considerable study and examination.Once the evidence you will encounter in this paper is ... from two greek words,porne,which means harlot,and graphein,which means to write.(Webster's 286).My belief is that the combination of the two words was originally meant to describe,in literature,the sexual escapades of women deemed to be whores.As times had passed,this definition of pornography has grown to include any and all obscene literature and pictures.At the present date date,the term is ...
Search results 21 - 30 of 2219 matching essays