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Search results 61 - 70 of 7035 matching essays
- 61: The Neccessity Of School Attendance
- The Necessity Of School Attendance What is the necessity of school attendance? Who decides when students should have to go to school and when students shouldn't? Should I be able to decide when I want to go to school and when I don't? There are many wasy in which you can answer these few ...
- 62: Prince William
- ... have to ask my wife about that…." He let his words drift for a moment and then shot back: "Bloody hell, give us a chance!" Currently, Prince William boards at Eton College, a high profile school with other students that have just as much wealth and social standing as he has. He can live at Saint James's Palace at Highgrove, Gloucestershire in Whales or, of course, he can stay the ... or witnesses to it. As for anyone, education must be very prominent to lead a successful life. Prince William’s life is currently centered on education because, like any sixteen-year-old, he must complete school. Prince William, being royalty, has attended and is currently attending the finest schools in Europe. At the age of three, or from 1985 through 1987, Prince William went to Mrs. Mynor’s Nursery school in West London. From 1987 through 1990, he attended Wetherby School in Kensington, London and from 1990 through 1995, he attended Ludgrove School in Wokingham. Now, Prince William attends Eton College where, for Americans, ...
- 63: Violence In Schools
- ... geographic regions or family backgrounds, nor do they have a single catalyst. Those who have committed such heinous acts have done so for different reasons, at different times, in different schools. But these acts of school violence have at least one thing in common- they have spurred all of us to take a look at what can be done to better protect children and teachers at school. Protecting our children is not simply a matter of public policy. It is a matter of strengthening basic values, of teaching children right from wrong, of instilling in them respect for others. We each have ... is not only happening in our high schools, it has also made its way into our elementary and middle schools. Everyone seems to have a different perspective on why there is such a problem with school safety. Some say it is the parents’ fault, some say it is the media, and others blame the schools. Yet, the question still remains. What can be done to make schools safer for the ...
- 64: Youth Violence
- ... violence. First off, in order to curb the rise in youth violence it is necessary to realize how serious this problem truly is. According to the Chicago Tribune, There are three million crimes committed on school campuses every year. That's sixteen thousand crimes per day - one crime every six seconds. Even more frightening is the fact that thirty-five percent of high school students in high crime areas report carrying a firearm regularly. Juvenile arrests accounted for thirteen percent of all violent crimes in 1996, and thirty percent of all juvenile homicide arrests occurred in just four cities ... the media are all accused perpetrators of youth violence. Still, it seems as if a complete picture is found only when examining all three of these pictures and placing blame on them individually. Concern about school violence, crime, and victimization has permeated the education system since the 1950s (Ausmussen 31). The problem of violence at schools persisted and increased to the point that in 1974 Congress mandated a national survey ...
- 65: Uniforms in Public Schools
- Uniforms in Public Schools What students wear to school is an issue of concern for students, parents and school officials. Often students violate the school dress code, which disturbs the learning atmosphere and negatively effects the reputation of the school. Uniforms for students offer solutions to school problems. First, uniforms will improve school’s spirit. Many students purchase clothing, ...
- 66: We're Screwed
- We're Screwed Milikan high school was where the challenge of my teenage life began. My high school experience gave me many memorable moments and with that, some difficult times. I was discouraged to think on my own. Rather, the school administrators told me what to do and what not to do. Due to the Constitution, the First Amendment rights, the dress code violated my freedom of expression. For example, I, being a student, was ...
- 67: Personal Writing: First Day at Oxford High School
- Personal Writing: First Day at Oxford High School My first day at Oxford High School was wonderful. The memory was vivid in my imagination. Growing up, I thought I would never make it to the “big hill” where the high school was located. I had gone through the Oxford School System in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade, but I was in for a surprise in high school. The bright, yellow sun arose and peeked ...
- 68: Biligual Education
- ... language” instruction for their children can request that the children be removed from the English-immersion classes. The request will be granted if they can find parents of twenty of more children on the same school who want the same thing. If they can not find enough parents, they are allowed to transfer to another school that will provide it. Like many other initiatives or bills, Proposition 227 had raised many issues in the State and the entire nation. These issues vary from legal human rights, including freedom of choice, to ... been the main source of cheap labor in America. The opponents of the Bill state that it will prevent Mexican children to fully learn the language, therefore preparing the student to meet greater challenges in school and eventually drop out of school. With a lesser level of education, therefore, the children will not be able to quality for the better, high-paying jobs, that are available to the white population. ...
- 69: Excellence In Education
- ... for. The interpretation of the term excellence is, however, less obvious. How do we regard excellence? Is it the college bound student with a broad liberal arts education? Is it the student who graduates high school trained in a specific trade? Many in the field of education cannot come to an agreement on how our schools can best achieve excellence for and from our students. One of the many authorities who ... students, Ebel does briefly describe his idea of a good teacher . Good teachers, according to Ebel, have learned from past experiences. Such teachers provide immediate recognition and rewards for student achievement. Ebel in praising the school s role in moral education, calls teachers models of excellence and humanity (4). Ebel discusses moral education as another of education s special missions, second only to the teaching of useful knowledge. The author defines ... our efforts . Another authority on the subject of excellence in schools is Diane Ravitch. Like Ebel, Ravitch, has suggested that schools must retain their traditional goals, while varying in method. In her article A Good School , Ravitch mentions Ron Edmonds, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, who provides an outline of what makes an effective school: Edmonds identified schools where academic achievement seemed to be independent of pupils social ...
- 70: Uniforms In School, Good Or Ba
- By: Budddy E-mail: mikebrennan88@hotmail.com Uniforms in School, Good or Bad? Due to misconduct and obscure nature of students, school districts have decided to create a school uniform to create an equal environment in which students have a less of a chance to cause problems. In the opinions of most students, they considered this an act against their personal rights, but ...
Search results 61 - 70 of 7035 matching essays