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Search results 151 - 160 of 7035 matching essays
- 151: Teenagers On After-school Jobs
- Almost every teenager wants a job, yet many people are against it. I believe teenagers should have after-school jobs for a number of reasons. First, having a son or a daughter that works can financially help the parents. Also, the experience the teenager will acquire from after-school jobs will help him or her on future jobs. Finally, teenagers should have after-school jobs because it will keep them away from trouble. Parents should realize that as long as their son or daughter wants an after-school job and it does not affect his or her performance ...
- 152: Warriors Don’t Cry: Integration In Little Rock's Central High School
- Warriors Don’t Cry: Integration In Little Rock's Central High School The battlefield is full of warriors fighting for their lives. They will never know if they will live through this or any other day. That’s exactly what happens in Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals. In this book Melba experiences the integration in Little Rock’s Central High School during the 1950s. Warriors Don’t Cry is about a first hand experience in Little Rock, Arkansas. Nine African-American children were integrated into Central High School in 1947. It was very difficult for Melba to live through the school year because people kept on abusing her, including needing a bodyguard at times. Melba’s mother and grandma raised her in ...
- 153: Students Rights in the Public School System
- Students Rights in the Public School System I chose to do my report on students rights in the public school system. Lisa Rowe, then sixteen a student at Teaneck High School, in New Jersey, thought she was doing a good dead when she returned a purse she'd found in her English class. When she took the purse to the office instead of being rewarded ...
- 154: High School/College Contrasts
- High School/College Contrasts I have spent four years in high school and only two and a half months in college, but I have already noticed a lot of differences between the two. Some of the changes were good, but there were also some bad ones. The first difference I noticed right away was the fact that you don't have all of your classes every day of the week. In high school, you had anywhere from three to six classes every day. They weren't very long, but that gave you homework almost every night. In college, however, you normally have about five classes. Some of ...
- 155: ... McCullough to raise the author primarily by herself. It also affected McCullough; she began to look for paternal substitutes in her mother’s nine unmarried brothers. Growing up McCullough attended twelve years in a convent school. She then went on to Holy Cross College and obtained honors in English, chemistry, and botany. Next she began to attend the University of Sydney to become a physician. McCullough eventually dropped out due to ... After accomplishing that she went to London and worked in hospital for sick children, where she cared for epileptic and retarded children. Eventually she came to the United States to work at Yale University’s School of Medicine. McCullough’s first novel was Tim. Tim is a novel about the love between Mary Horton, a middle-aged, strict business executive, and Tim Melville, a retarded twenty-five year old hired by ...
- 156: The First Amendment: Free of Expression
- ... rights in a truly democratic society. Without them there would be no new ideas; we would all conform under totalitarian rule for fear of punishment. However, when I, a common student at West Rowan High School try to express my feelings on "the state of the Bill of Rights in schools today" by making a computer presentation in multimedia class, my work is declared "bad" and my teacher and assistant principal ... will encourage students to become a part of that religion. The presentation was neither slanderous nor obscene, but it did criticize teachers and administrators calling them "fascist dictators". At first I was angry at the school because I could wear clothing that was obscene or contained liquor advertisements, now they have completely taken away my freedom of speech. This of course proved my argument that teachers and administrators are totalitarians. As ... student declaring the action unconstitutional under the first amendment. As I was reading Nat Hentoff's book The First Freedom I came across a story in which a student wrote a newspaper article criticizing the school administration, soon after he ran for student government and was taken off the ballot for his critique. Unfortunately he did not fight it in court. The principal sharply taught the student, "The constitution of ...
- 157: Bill Gates Roadway To His Succ
- ... the birth of Microsoft. Early on in life, it was apparent that Bill Gates inherited the ambition, intelligence, and competitive spirit that had helped him rise to the top in his chosen profession. In elementary school he quickly surpassed all of his peer's abilities in nearly all subjects, especially math and science. His parents recognized his intelligence and decided to enroll him in Lakeside, a private school known for its intense academic environment. This decision had far reaching effects on Bill Gate's life. For at Lakeside, Bill Gates was first introduced to computers. In the spring of 1968, the Lakeside prep school decided that it should acquaint the student body with the world of computers. Computers were still too large and costly for the school to purchase its own. Instead, the school had a fundraiser and ...
- 158: Booker T. Washington: Fighter for the Black Man
- ... knowledge was power, not just knowledge of "books", but knowledge of agricultural and industrial trades. He felt that the Negro would rise to be an equal in American society through hard work. Washington founded a school on these principles, and it became the world's leader in agricultural and industrial education for the Negro. As the world watched him put his heart and soul into his school, Tuskegee Institute, he gained great respect from both the white and black communities. Many of the country's white leaders agreed with his principals, and so he had a great deal of support. Booker T ... quarrels, fights, and shockingly immoral practices were frequent." Washington himself got a job in the salt furnace and often had to go to work at four in the morning. Washington longed for an education. A school for Negro's opened in Malden, but his step-father would not let him leave work to attend. Washington was so determined to get an education that he arranged with the teachers to give ...
- 159: School Uniforms
- By: C.J. Obit Throughout the State of Florida, numerous school boards have been attempting to standardize the clothing that students wear. The school superintendents who are in favor of uniforms will argue that the children who wear them will experience many benefits. I disagree with this position. I feel that the use of uniforms will strip identity, stifle ... soldier. In both cases, individual identity is stripped away and the subject is forced to conform to the same outward appearance as every other subject. Another problem that will surface due to the implementation of school uniforms is the suppression of the individual's creativity and expression. Many students' express who they are through the way they dress. If a teenager wants to show the rest of the world that ...
- 160: Booker T. Washington
- ... knowledge was power, not just knowledge of "books", but knowledge of agricultural and industrial trades. He felt that the Negro would rise to be an equal in American society through hard work. Washington founded a school on these principles, and it became the world's leader in agricultural and industrial education for the Negro. As the world watched him put his heart and soul into his school, Tuskegee Institute, he gained great respect from both the white and black communities. Many of the country's white leaders agreed with his principals, and so he had a great deal of support. Booker T ... quarrels, fights, and shockingly immoral practices were frequent." Washington himself got a job in the salt furnace and often had to go to work at four in the morning. Washington longed for an education. A school for Negro's opened in Malden, but his step-father would not let him leave work to attend. Washington was so determined to get an education that he arranged with the teachers to give ...
Search results 151 - 160 of 7035 matching essays