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Search results 41 - 50 of 378 matching essays
- 41: Q/A: Legalization of Marijuana
- Q/A: Legalization of Marijuana "Prohibition . goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. "A prohibition law strikes a ... government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln December, 1840 This pamphlet was researched and produced as a public service by the Family Council on Drug Awareness, P.O. Box 71093, LA CA 90071-0093 Q. What is Marijuana? A. "Marijuana" refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant,1 which contain the non-narcotic chemical THC at various potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being "high." ...
- 42: Legalization of Marijuana
- Legalization of Marijuana There are several reasons to legalize marijuana. Marijuana is a drug that comes from the plant Cannabis sativa. When you smoke marijuana, the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol goes into your brain and makes you feel high. That is why it is classified as a ...
- 43: Legalization of Marijuana
- Legalization of Marijuana Legalization of marijuana has been an issue for a long time. Marijuana was first brought up as an issue in 1915. It had since then became a much bigger issue in the 1960's and is now being considered for medical purposes in the 1990's. ...
- 44: Effects Of Marijuana
- The Effects of Marijuana Marijuana is a mood altering or psychoactive drug that has many nicknames, such as pot, weed, ganja, sensi, herb, and others. It is an ancient drug that dates back to hundreds of years to Asia. Many cultures have used it during meditation, religious worship, and for intoxication. Marijuana itself comes from the Indian Hemp plant. It is the third most widely used drug in the United States, according to a survey taken in 1988, and it is the number one illegally used ...
- 45: Marijuana Effects
- Marijuana Effects Marijuana is a mood altering or psychoactive drug that has many nicknames, such as pot, weed, ganja, sensi, herb, and others. It is an ancient drug that dates back to hundreds of years to Asia. Many cultures have used it during meditation, religious worship, and for intoxication. Marijuana itself comes from the Indian Hemp plant. It is the third most widely used drug in the United States, according to a survey taken in 1988, and it is the number one illegally used ...
- 46: The Dangers of Smoking Marijuana
- The Dangers of Smoking Marijuana Marijuana is a mood altering or psychoactive drug that has many nicknames, such as pot, weed, ganja, sensi, herb, and others. It is an ancient drug that dates back to hundreds of years to Asia. Many cultures have used it during meditation, religious worship, and for intoxication. Marijuana itself comes from the Indian Hemp plant. It is the third most widely used drug in the United States, according to a survey taken in 1988, and it is the number one illegally used ...
- 47: Marijuana: The Drug That Could Help Stop the Pain
- Marijuana: The Drug That Could Help Stop the Pain Abstract Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1drug (a drug with high abuse potential, no accepted medical use, and lack of safety) in the eyes of the government. In the eyes of the medical world it's ... headaches, insomnia and many others. The governments' lack of support for medical research of the drug is the major obstacle between the drug being researched and the patients getting it. However thousands of Americans use marijuana as medicine illegally, putting themselves at risk of arrest and prosecution. Arizona and California have made the first steps towards getting this miracle drug legalized. Due to the governments abuse of power these two ...
- 48: Marijuana
- Marijuana An ongoing research project headed by associate professor of psychiatry Harrison Pope had one subject who had smoked marijuana every day for a long time. To participate in the research-which actually concerned not drug use but testosterone-he had to stop his marijuana use. The man had been such a heavy use that, even four weeks after quitting, detectable cannabis residue appeared in his urine. But one day soon thereafter he told Pope that he "woke up ...
- 49: Marijuana Legalization
- Marijuana Legalization Marijuana is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as the dried flowers clusters and leaves of the hemp plant smoked for intoxicating effect. Marijuana is only one of the many terms used for the various preparations produced from the Indian Hemp plant. This drug has and an interesting development in the past few years; demanding not just to ...
- 50: Fighting For Our Love Ones
- ... but mental anguish as well. Our dying loves ones are at war with our Federal Government. They are fighting for a chance at a better quality of life. They are fighting for the legalization of marijuana for medical use. Until marijuana is legalized for medical use, our love ones are forced to break the law. "
my gift to my husband, John Joseph who died last year. At the end of his life, my husband was wracked with pain from lung cancer. Marijuana was one medication that eased his intense pain, and nausea during chemotherapy. But, to get marijuana to help JJ, we had to break the law.
my husbands ability to tolerate chemotherapy after a ...
Search results 41 - 50 of 378 matching essays