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Search results 21 - 30 of 1300 matching essays
- 21: Twain
- ... there, he continued to publish a series of sketches in newspapers. These showed that Clemens was fond of using misspellings, puns, and weirdly fashioned sentences for humorous effects, ( Wister xxii). Clemens continued to write his letters and draw his sketches while at the same time traveling around the south. The letters would stop when he took a trip to New Orleans, where he rediscovered his love of the river. In New Oreleans, Clemens arranged to become a steam boat pilot's apprentice under Horace Bixby. When ... Smiley and His Jumping Frog," published in the New York Saturday Press, November 18, 1865, was a national hit. The next year 2 a trip to the Hawaiian Islands produced a series of humorous travel letters for his local paper, the Sacramento Union, and also found itΉs way into a serious article published in Harper's Magazine. Furthermore, upon returning from this voyage, he launched a career on the ...
- 22: Francesco Petrarch
- ... once again gaining influence. Besides influence, these canonries were a means of income for him and influence. At the Age of 49, Francesco was unsure of where he wanted to live. He sent out several letters asking if he could move to different cites in Italy, Petrarch moved to Milan. There here lived under the Archbishop. He did this only on the stipulation that he would have freedom and solitude. The ... that he was still going to settle. After some time had past, Italians started fighting against each other, specifically the Genoese and the Venetians. This cause a great amount of distress for Petrarch. He wrote letters to both sides, the Doge of Venice and the Counsel of Genoa, urging them for peace. They were ignored and the war continued. Even though the Archbishop was unaware of how he felt towards him ... he was sent to King John's reentry into France. The King tried to convince Petrarch that he should stay in France with him. He refused. But once Petrarch had returned to Milan he received letters from King John asking Francesco to come back to France. Petrarch wrote letters back, once again, refusing the King. All situations that show that with great connections to the church, lead to Petrarch's ...
- 23: Civil War The Color Bearer Tra
- ... ends meet, Maumer Juno took in ironing. Despite a lack of money for college, young Charles managed to obtain a good education. Details about Charles' schooling are sketchy, but the polished prose of his surviving letters reflects a practiced hand and a cultivated intellect. Charles' admission to the South Carolina bar at Columbia in 1845 is further evidence of a triumph of intellect and effort over financial adversity. In the closing ... sit out the war in New Mexico Territory. After all, Whilden had been gone from the South for more than a decade. He was fast approaching 40. Whilden's frequent denunciations of abolitionism in his letters were based on principle, not political expediency or financial self-interest. Apart from a nominal, undivided interest in his beloved Maumer Juno that he shared with his siblings, Charles held no slave property. Furthermore, he ... Color-Bearers (Mattituck, NY: J. M. Carroll & Company, 1984). 5. William D. Matter, If it Takes All Summer, the Battle of Spotsylvania (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988). 6. John Hammond Moore, editor, "Letters From a Santa Fe Army Clerk, 1855-1856, CharlesE. Whilden," New Mexico Historical Review, vol.40, no.2 (April 1965), pp. 141-164 (relating to letters from CharlesE. Whilden to his brother, WilliamG. Whilden, ...
- 24: Loneliness
- ... Although both characters were lonely at the beginning of the stories, the source of the loneliness lies deeper in the story. Charlotte felt the pain of being alone after her husband Kenneth started receiving mysterious letters from his dead wife. After reading the letters " . . . he looked years older, looked emptied of life and courage, and hardly conscious of her existence" (Wharton 318). These letters began to arrive when they returned from their honeymoon, and persisted until Kenneth disappeared. Because of the letters, he paid little attention to her throughout most of their marriage. The letters were, ultimately, the ...
- 25: Emily Dickinson: Life and Her Works
- ... Life and Her Works Emily Dickinson made a large influence on poetry, she is known as one of America's most famous poets. With close to two thousand different poems and one thousand of her letters to her friends that survived her death Emily Dickinson showed that she was a truly dedicated writer. Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts on December 10,1830 to a prominent family, her father Edward ... when Susan became engaged to Austin Dickinson, Emily's brother. For two years their friendship ended completely. When Austin and Susan moved next door their relationship started over and Emily began to write her love letters to Susan again. Feminist scholars who have examined Emily Dickinson's letters and poems to Susan from a lesbian viewpoint think that her letters and poems to Susan move beyond a romantic friendship to a blatantly passionate relationship. No one knows how Susan responded to Emily' ...
- 26: Loneliness 2
- ... Although both characters were lonely at the beginning of the stories, the source of the loneliness lies deeper in the story. Charlotte felt the pain of being alone after her husband Kenneth started receiving mysterious letters from his dead wife. After reading the letters " . . . he looked years older, looked emptied of life and courage, and hardly conscious of her existence" (Wharton 318). These letters began to arrive when they returned from their honeymoon, and persisted until Kenneth disappeared. Because of the letters, he paid little attention to her throughout most of their marriage. The letters were, ultimately, the ...
- 27: Francesco Petrarch
- ... once again gaining influence. Besides influence, these canonries were a means of income for him and influence. At the Age of 49, Francesco was unsure of where he wanted to live. He sent out several letters asking if he could move to different cites in Italy, Petrarch moved to Milan. There here lived under the Archbishop. He did this only on the stipulation that he would have freedom and solitude. The ... that he was still going to settle. After some time had past, Italians started fighting against each other, specifically the Genoese and the Venetians. This cause a great amount of distress for Petrarch. He wrote letters to both sides, the Doge of Venice and the Counsel of Genoa, urging them for peace. They were ignored and the war continued. Even though the Archbishop was unaware of how he felt towards him ... he was sent to King John's reentry into France. The King tried to convince Petrarch that he should stay in France with him. He refused. But once Petrarch had returned to Milan he received letters from King John asking Francesco to come back to France. Petrarch wrote letters back, once again, refusing the King. All situations that show that with great connections to the church, lead to Petrarch's ...
- 28: Book Report A Voyager Out
- ... family, many of whom were writers. Mary herself wrote two books. In her books however, she leaves out a lot about her life. A lot of what Katherine Frank had discovered came from Mary s letters to friends while traveling. Some people who were the recipients of her letters found it odd that she put so much into her correspondences. In one case, she wrote a ten-page letter to a friend. His response to her was that she was wasting many of her ... mourning. After a while, however, the black clothes became accustomed to her. The hardest part of her parent s death was having to sort through their personal things. She had to go through their old letters and personal papers and decide which things to keep and which things to throw away. While sorting through her parent s belongings, she found her parents marriage license and her birth certificate. This is ...
- 29: Through The Eyes Of The Dyslex
- ... education, with support even at colleges and Universities (Masterson 290). What is dyslexia, or what does it mean? The actual definition for dyslexia is the inability to interpret written symbols. Dyslexia may include reversal of letters, blurring of letters, or seeing letters out of sequence (Shreve 440). Dyslexia is derived from the Latin 'dys' means bad or hard and 'lexia' meaning language. Dyslexia has been defined in several different ways. Some textbooks have inappropriately referred to ...
- 30: Dea Sea Scrolls Imperfection
- ... copied. A simple letter can change the whole meaning of a word. Add the letter L to the word WORD and you get WORLD. But thats not the only confusion that there is with letters. The capitol letter I can resemble the lower-case letter of l remarkably. The confusion of these letters can cause serious problems with the meanings of words. Either it makes no sense in context or the word has no meaning at all and in the long run, the sentence loses its whole meaning. In the scrolls, this confusion is even more problematic. A prime example would be the letters Dalet and Resh. They look almost identical except for the little tail reaching off the end of the Dalet. If you were to switch the last letter in the Hebrew word Dor, which means ...
Search results 21 - 30 of 1300 matching essays