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Search results 201 - 210 of 1468 matching essays
- 201: Internet Site Evaluations
- ... out of 10 people in America are millionaires. What's more, they claim to be the largest online wealth creation firm. Surprisingly, there is no information regarding the author or the origin of this site." Internet dream or website scheme? If one is easily persuaded by this type of material, it may be time to reassess their knowledge of website criterion. Not all websites are created equal. When judging the validity ... there are several factors which must be considered before finally ascertaining the veracity of a site. These factors, when reviewed on the whole will allow websurfers to become both more informed and aware of the Internet and websites in general. "How to perform open heart surgery: A Primer by Billy 'cool kid' Johnson." If a member of ones family had a heart attack, would the above source help in saving their ... seems intimidating, there are always other mechanisms one can use to identify the value of a particular website. Point of view or bias According to a recent study, it was concluded that 90% of the Internet is comprised of sites with particular biases. This is due in large part to the fact that anyone can post material on the web regardless of their knowledge, understanding or opinion regarding a particular ...
- 202: Internet Privacy
- ... site. Websites can also collect information about consumers through hidden electronic navigational software that captures information about site visits, including web pages visited and information downloaded, the types of browser used, and the referring websites' Internet addresses. The result is that a website about gardening that Jane Doe that could sell not only her name to mail-order companies, but also the fact that she spent a lot of time one ... experience to be customized. According to the 1999 Personalized Marketing and Privacy on the Net: What Consumers Want survey conducted by the non-profit research firm Privacy and American Business, 61 percent of the 474 Internet users surveyed said that they would be positive toward receiving banner ads tailored to their personal interests rather than receiving random ads. This represents about 56 million adult users interested in such personalization. In addition ... is important to many shoppers that a site have a privacy policy that explains what information is gathered and how it is being used, before they relinquish their information. However, according to the 1999 Georgetown Internet Privacy Policy Survey, 94% of the top 100 websites post privacy policies, and 66% of the overall websites post privacy policies . These figures sound reassuring but the exact definition of the privacy policies in ...
- 203: “Sin in the Global Village”: Privacy In Cyberspace
- ... Cyberspace Robert Wright wrote an essay featured on page 135 of Time Magazine on October 19, 1998. The essay was called “Sin in the Global Village” and it focuses on personal privacy in cyberspace. The Internet is a rapidly growing web of information that more and more people are using. The benefits of connecting to the Internet are: immediate access to information from all around the world, electronic mail that arrive at a blink of an eye, being able to publish ideas on personal web pages, and even downloading a contemporary picture from thousands of different locations around the world. Robert Wright is introducing the idea that the Internet has become an instrument of privacy killing. In the same way that the public is getting access to countless bytes of information, the accomplished computer user gets access to the private preferences and thoughts ...
- 204: The Green Revolution in Asia
- ... it give more than it can handle and then the next year ask it to give even more. At this pace there will not be anything left for anyone to breath let alone eat. Bibliography INTERNET: http://pubweb.ucdavis.edu/Documents/GWS/Envissues/Rice/RICE.HTML. Dinosaurs, Dodos, and RICE!? INTERNET: http://www.ewc.hawaii.edu/pop/misc/pop51034.txt. Asia - Pacific Population and Policy. INTERNET: http://pathfinder.com. Environment: Population Growth, Development, Bureaucracy -- bad problems for Mother Earth. INTERNET: http://www.worldbank.org. From Revolution to Evolution: The Continuing Impacts of International Wheat Breeding. INTERNET: http://www.emerald-empire. ...
- 205: Media Effect 2
- ... to be our main window to the world. Media has evolved from simple text in papers, to voices in radios, to voices with pictures in television and movies, to the very broad and information packed Internet. But as we all know, media has changed and evolved since then. Media then was primarily used to deliver news across the town and to beef up the people with the information they need for ... When radio came it became the most popular form of media. Then when television was born, it replaced radios and people turn to television for sources of information. But before the end of the millennium, Internet was born. Internet is now the most popular form of media not only to youngsters but also to adults because of its diversity and usefulness. As kinds of media evolve, contents also evolve. From recorded news to ...
- 206: History of Telecommunications
- ... thing in telecommunications. There are many more years of development in the telephone and other wireless inventions of communication. However, Another great thing of this time is the computer and along with that is the Internet. The Internet was developed in 1969. It began as a military project in the seventies. In this period of time the Internet developed from a toy of the military and scientists to a medium of communication for everybody. Now it is possible to send messages, programs and other data over the Internet. This is one of ...
- 207: Freedom Of Bytes
- ... Web is offering more to society now than it ever has before, created by the army to keep up communications during crisis, it s importance to the army has also transcended into regular society. The internet is offering commerce, entertainment, and most important easy and fast access to information about anything and everything possibly conceivable by humans. Through the computer people are now literally a few mouse clicks away from buying ... that the World Wide Web is so valuable and popular, it is also bad and dangerous. You might be able to shop around for an airplane ticket and might decide to buy one over the internet, yet the minute you type in your credit card number you attract people in finding that number and using it without your consent. You might be amazed at how easy and helpful sending e-mails is, yet it is also easy for someone to send you unsolicited information, which you might not be interested in and in some instances you might even have objections to it. Since the internet is so easy, accessible and essentially unregulated, it leaves room for many controversies about the web, including electronic commerce, credit card fraud, invasion of privacy and more. By far though the most controversial and ...
- 208: Snow Crash
- ... of the world. Technology is expanding everyday. Our society has grown and expanded and has become extremely powerful because of new technologies. People are learning how to use computers in place of their tasks. The Internet is a prime example is of expanding technology. One can obtain yesterday s and today s news, listen to music, talk to a friend over seas, view pornography, and countless other things in the privacy of one s home via the Internet. There is no way to really regulate what is on the Internet. Essentially, the government has no place on the Internet. This world is free of from laws. As society moves closer to advanced technology, the government becomes removed. There is no way for them to ...
- 209: Information Management
- ... to trade with other firms in 1994, at which point they were forced to expand both their existing premises and staff. They also began to diversify, moving into new areas such as networking technologies, the internet and more specialised hardware and software. Lanway currently has a turnover of approximately 5 million and over 40 staff, both of which are expected to continue in growth. They manufacture around 200 PC’s per ... manufacturing bracket. At present, the firm can be split into 5 departments. Sales, Accounts, Networking, Repairs and finally Production or Workshop. The firm is completely networked using a mixture of Microsoft™ and Novell™ technologies. Individual internet access and email is available to all employees. All hardware and software configuration work is carried out in-house. Because the firm has grown in the manner that it has, many of the systems and ... anomalies and incoherent data could be accounted for. Only then, based upon the findings were recommendations produced. After analysis of Lanways current operating environment and business activities, the following information sources were identified: Emails The Internet Stock and Accounts database – maintained by the same system Customer database Written brochures / Price Lists Employee home folders Emails Data stored within the emails ranged from price lists, customer account details, recent price quotes ...
- 210: Books Online
- One might say that the business world is moving at a fast pace, a pace that is almost impossible to keep up with. This could be the result of the almighty Internet and the world of technology. In today’s society, technology has revolutionized how we as consumers make decisions and procedures regarding the process of consumption. The Internet has made many vast improvements within our culture, both online and off, which is allowing the average consumer to buy retail by using little to no effort. Online retailing is a fairly new industry, and ... first online retailers to introduce online book selling. Amazon started strictly as an online bookseller; however, through time they have evolved into the largest online retailer, offering over 16 million items for sale on the Internet. Only a few online retailers are a threat to Amazon; they are Borders.com and Barnes and Noble.com. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the online booksellers and how they ...
Search results 201 - 210 of 1468 matching essays