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Search results 41 - 50 of 235 matching essays
- 41: Albert Einstein 1879-1955
- Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Einstein was undoubtedly the single greatest contributor to science in the 20th century. Few will argue with that point. His gifts to today's understanding of the universe, energy, time among others base many branches of modern science. His contributions are not restricted only to the fields of science, but also to the individual person: from powerful heads of states to the average citizen. Albert Einstein helped Oppenheimer1 develop the fundamental science needed to break atoms, causing massive amounts of energy to be released. There are two common forms of this technology today, the Nuclear Power Plants, and the Atomic, ...
- 42: Isaac Newton And Albert Einstein
- Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein By: Briana Dreyer Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were both the sons of farmers. Although Einstein lived in Germany and was Jewish while Newton was Catholic or Christian and lived in England. Albert taught himself geometry while Newton s family couldn t even read or write yet. As Newton was ...
- 43: Origins and Bibliography of the Big Bang Theory
- ... 1:6) And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. (Gen. 1:9) - - - - Further reading: 1. John H. Schwartz, "Completing Einstein", SCIENCE 85, vol 6, pp 60-64, 1985. 2. Robert Palmer, "What's a Quark?", SCIENCE 85, VOL 6, pp 66-71, 1985 3. Bruce Schechter, "The Moment of Creation", DISCOVER, April 1983, pp 18 ... 506-514. - - - - The following background articles were downloaded from American Adacemic Encyclopedia via Dow Jones News Retrevial Service; Nov 12, 1985 UNIFIED FIELD THEORY Classical attempts at devising a unified field theory, principally those of Einstein, were concerned with the combination of gravitation (the general theory of RELATIVITY) and electromagnetism into the same theoretical framework. Electromagnetism is described by MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS for an antisymmetric tensor, whereas Einstein's theory of gravitation centers about a symmetric metric tensor; Einstein's idea was to combine both descriptions into a single, nonsymmetric tensor, thereby treating both subjects from an essentially geometric point of view. ...
- 44: Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879-April 18, 1955)
- Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879-April 18, 1955) Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Wurttemburg, Germany and died April 18, 1955. Albert Einstein began his career in Munich. As well as his violin lessons, which he had from age six to age thirteen, he also had religious education at home where he was taught Judaism. Two years ...
- 45: Albert Einstein from Start to Finish
- Albert Einstein from Start to Finish Albert Einstien was born on March 14, 1879 in Alum, Germany. He was born with extreme deformities, however he out grew them except for his misshapen head. He was a late ... his problems. He was branded as a loner because he had no love for anyone but his mother who he spent all of his childhood with. He was also considered a Jeckell and Hide. Albert Einstein was considered mentally retarded as a young child. This was because he simply chose to do what he wanted to do, in terms of schoolwork. He didn't like school too well, except for Math ... contributions to Math and Science? He began high school at the age 12. He was only interested in Mathematics and Philosophy. Therefore he made no effort to work in his other classes. His father, Hermann Einstein, didn't want him to study Philosophy. He wanted him to take over the family business and study electrical engineering. He and his mother would practice the piano for hours. He mastered it! He ...
- 46: Albert Einstein from Start to Finish
- Albert Einstein from Start to Finish Albert Einstien was born on March 14, 1879 in Alum, Germany. He was born with extreme deformities, however he out grew them except for his misshapen head. He was a late ... his problems. He was branded as a loner because he had no love for anyone but his mother who he spent all of his childhood with. He was also considered a Jeckell and Hide. Albert Einstein was considered mentally retarded as a young child. This was because he simply chose to do what he wanted to do, in terms of schoolwork. He didn't like school too well, except for Math ... contributions to Math and Science? He began high school at the age 12. He was only interested in Mathematics and Philosophy. Therefore he made no effort to work in his other classes. His father, Hermann Einstein, didn't want him to study Philosophy. He wanted him to take over the family business and study electrical engineering. He and his mother would practice the piano for hours. He mastered it! He ...
- 47: Is Einstein About To Be Dethro
- ... in the air. There are very few beliefs in science that have the force of doctrine, but among them is the conviction that the speed of light is fixed. It forms the rock upon which Einstein built one of the 20th century's most enduring monuments, the General Theory of Relativity. But in science nothing is sacred, and several leading theoretical physicists are now toying with the delicious notion that the ... were asked to comment just couldn't accept it. Finally the editor stepped in and it appeared." At the age of 11, Dr Magueijo was inspired by The Evolution of Physics, a slim volume by Einstein and Leopold Infeld. A dog-eared copy, in Portuguese, lies on his desk at Imperial College. "The best book ever written about physics," as he calls it, set him on a course that took him to the University of Lisbon, then Cambridge as a research fellow at St John's, and now London. But if he is right, Einstein's conviction that light travels at a fixed and unalterable speed is about to be dethroned. Dr Magueijo and colleagues with whom he has worked - Dr Andy Albrecht, of the University of California at ...
- 48: Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein
- Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein My name is Albert Einstein. I was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. I was not an inventor in the conventional sense. I was a physicist and theorist. My inventions were not tangible things, but ideas I put ...
- 49: Big Bang
- ... changed color (Weinberg). As astronomers were collecting data on the Universe based on their observations, theorists were busy developing models that attempted to explain the cosmos. Recently equipped with Albert Einstien's Theory of Relativity, Einstein was one of the first to attempt an explanation of the physical Universe. Einstein believed the Universe to have a static, uniform, isotropic distribution of matter. Einstein's own calculations however proved to result in the exact opposite, an oscillating universe that had the potential for expansion or contraction. He was certain that the universe was stable. Einstein was compelled to ...
- 50: Stephen J. Hawking by Rachel Finck
- ... he has held the Lucasian professorship in mathematics at Cambridge, the very chair once held by Isaac Newton. Although still relatively young, Hawking is already being compared to such great intellects as Newton and Albert Einstein. Yet it should be noted that since the early 1960s he has been the victim of a progressive and incurable motorneurone disease, ALS, that now confines him to a wheelchair. This affliction prevents Hawking from ... from the rest of the universe. Presently, physicist are still trying to unify two separate theories to describe everything in the universe. The two theories are the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Albert Einstein formulated the general theory of relativity almost single-handedly in 1915. First, in 1905, he developed the special theory of relativity, which deals with the concept of people measuring different time intervals, while moving at ... of light, regardless of velocity. In 1915, he developed the general theory of relativity. This theory dealt with the concept of gravity as a distortion of space-time, and not just a force within it. Einstein's original equations predicted that the universe was either expanding or contracting. Einstein's equations showed that mass and energy are always positive, which is why gravity always attracts bodies toward each other. Space- ...
Search results 41 - 50 of 235 matching essays