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Search results 91 - 100 of 646 matching essays
- 91: Effects of Working Shifts
- ... plays, and quality time in the evening spent with children are all lost when working this shift. In reality the household becomes a one-parent family that week. There is also a high incidence of divorce for individuals who work the afternoon shift on a steady basis. It is often called the "plant divorce epidemic." This condition exists due to lack of quality time spent with one's family (Vanderkolk 210). Since I myself have worked shifts for ten years, I have first hand knowledge of this problem. A co-worker of mine is presently going through a divorce. While recently speaking to him about the situation, he said, "one of the biggest reasons for this divorce is that I didn't spend enough time with my family because of my work schedule" ( ...
- 92: The Meaning Behind Marriage
- ... the immense possibilities of what marriage is, many would be surprised at what marriage is not. To find what marriage is not, we could express our feelings and opinions, such as marriage is not adultery, divorce, mistrust, disrespect, dishonesty, disloyalty, and convenience. The exact opposite of these words is marriage. Many myths about marriages have evolved throughout our lives and the problem is that many people believe these myths. Would you ... us in a marriage; important decisions fall upon us like a drop of a dime. As I said before, only the strong survive, and if a marriage cannot survive this stage, it ends up in divorce. Hopelessness sets in and the easy-way-out is taken for granted. Divorce. Something marriage is not. On the other hand, the strong couples at this stage "decide that this must be what marriage is, and try to just cope with it" (Lipthrott 3). I believe that ...
- 93: The Challenges Of Dating
- "The Challenges of Dating after Divorce" According to the Bureau of Vital Statistics approximately 50.1% of all first marriages in the United States end in divorce. Because of the high divorce rate men and women are finding themselves going back to the challenging world of dating at an enormous rate. Divorce men and women find dating to be an extremely challenging and difficult task. You ...
- 94: Charles Dickens' Hard Times
- ... pair of very gentle eyes”, was Stephen’s dream. he wished to marry her and she wished to marry him but two problems stood in the way. In order to marry Rachael he had to divorce his wife. Stephen went to Bounderby to ask for help on getting a divorce. Bounderby looked at Stephen not truly as a person but as a “hand”. Bounderby repeated that Stephen married his wife “for better or worse”, and now that she is worse he does not want to accept it. He also told him that the only way to get the divorce was going to cost him, far more than he made. Bounderby’s advice did not help Stephen but helped him sink further into his “blackpool”. Besides money, the government was another obstacle that stood ...
- 95: Ten Years Fron Now
- ... many forms and shapes of life; however, many of them are just my imagination. Beyond all that imagination, I often see myself as a productive individual in the society as a red-cross nurse, a divorce woman with no children, and/or a widow living with my chronically ill mother. Becoming a productive member in our society is my dream. I like to work as a nurse to make positive differences ... who can be so generous to let me do all the things that I dream of doing. It does not sound so promising, but I think in ten years I will end up filing a divorce document if I have ever married. So, why can't I just be a widow after all? It is very likely that I will become a widow, though. In my culture we are very superstitious ... was born in the year of the tiger, and like many other people I know including my mother who were also born in the year of the tiger, all became widows or at least get divorce once. Personally, I do not believe in superstition, but I can't deny the fact that it is effecting on my mother. She has been up and down in many relationships, and at the ...
- 96: Princess Diana 2
- ... 9, 1992. Circumstances that led to the separation were Charles s reserved demeanor while Diana was young and down to earth. These are one of the few obstacles between Diana and Charles that led to divorce, four years later in Aug. 1996 (Delano 88). During the marriage, both Diana and Charles had extra marital affairs. Charles returned to his old lover Camilla Parker Bowles. Sometime during their marriage, Diana also had an affair with a Calvary officer; James Hewitt before the marriage ended (Kantrowitz 43). After divorce, Diana retained her title as Princess of Wales . She also received twenty-six and a half million dollars and six hundred thousand a year to maintain her position as office staff. She lived in a five-bedroom apartment in Kensington Palace. In addition, after their divorce, Diana and Charles shared joint custody of their sons William and Harry (Kantrowitz 40). The trauma of her divorce and constant media attention led to her obsession with her weight and appearance. She developed ...
- 97: The State of the US Family
- ... begun to become units of single parents. "In these single parent family units, have tripled since the 1970's where as the two parent families have decreased by 250,000. Two primary reasons…the high divorce rate and an increase in unwed mothers" (Henslin 323). With the high divorce rate and unwed mothers, there seems to be a lack of stability in the family. The children of these homes only have one parental role model to draw their elements of social integration from. Also ... sexes, these children are emerging unbalanced and unprepared to deal with the pressures and demands a two-sex society has. The text states that these children tend to live in homes with less income. In divorce situations, the income is being split between two households, and sometimes two separate families. This is an added strain not only on the parents, but the children who have to struggle with the emptiness ...
- 98: Hank Williams
- ... Your Cheating Heart” and “Cold, Cold Heart” have been rumored to be about her. At a New Years Eve party, Hank decided to open fire on Audrey. This was the last straw, she filed for divorce. She got her divorce, along with the car, house, Hank Jr., $1,000 a month in alimony, and half of Hank’s future royalties. The Opry had enough. It dealt with the divorce by quietly refused to let Hank Perform. He was run out from Nashville. Back with his mother in Alabama, he landed a spot immediately on The Louisiana Hayride again. His next move was to ...
- 99: Appalacian Regional Commission & Poverty In Appalachia
- ... Appalachia. The family structure of most of the poor in Appalachia is single female headed households. The reasons that more children live in households headed by single parents is largely due to increasing levels of divorce and a growing number of births to unmarried women. Single parent households grew by 64 percent from 1970 to 1993, from 3.8 million to 10.5 million. Single parent households make up 11 percent ... Cadillac-driving, champagne-sipping, penthouse living welfare queens. They do this by showing the real lives of two women on welfare in Philadelphia and the real life problems that forced them into poverty, such as divorce, loss of a job, and domestic violence. The symbolic interactionist perspective views the human being as interacting with society and having a free will, which enables them to change regardless of what happened in the ... tax dollars of hard working middle class citizens. While in reality the negative perceptions of those in poverty are false, with most being in poverty due to lack of education, having a child while single, divorce, loss of job, medical reasons, disability and death of the principle wage earner.(In Our Own Words, p.6) The fifth effect of segregation is that “destructive actions against others also seems justifiable if ...
- 100: Marriage 2
- ... conflicts of interest. Marriage is a special bond that has been destabilized over the years. Twenty years ago values and beliefs about marriage were very different. People did not think about the easy way out, divorce. My mother and father have been married for the past twenty-six years and the times have not been easy for either one of them, however, they were raised in a way that divorce was not an option. Both my mother’s parents and my father’s parents have or had been married to the same person their whole lives. Parents believe that marriage is the friendship and closeness ... rush the marriage so that they can experience intimate relations with their partners. This is a classic formula of a marriage that is not going to work out and the couple end up getting a divorce. In my experiences, I have seen the result of rushing to have the intimate time occur with people that classify themselves as Christians. I am not saying that it’s not my belief to ...
Search results 91 - 100 of 646 matching essays