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Search results 31 - 40 of 1053 matching essays
- 31: Chinese Dynasties
- Chinese Dynasties: 1. Shang: Also called Yin, dynasty that was China's earliest historically verifiable state 1766 B.C. to 1122 B.C. A. Reason's for Rise: Unlike the early accounts of history by the Chinese, there is archaeological evidence of the Shang, who built their cities in northern China around the eastern parts of the Yellow River. For this reason they are called the Yellow River civilization. They were a bronze age people; bronze-working seems to have entered China around 2000 BC (about one thousand years after its invention in Mesopotamia). B. Territorial Location & size at height of power (map): The Shang ruled the area from the North China Plain northward into present- ...
- 32: 360 Degree EvaluationsChina An
- China and Tibet The issue is about China and Tibet, Should or shouldn’t Tibetan Exile Refugees change their peaceful approach toward China by appealing to sympathetic nations to militarily force China out of Tibet? During the 1600’s Tibet was a very powerful country and the Dalai Lama was introduced as the leader or Tibet. China ...
- 33: The Sextants Of Beijing
- A book The Sextants of Beijing by Waley Cohen view China from a Western point of view. In this book Chinese emperors, Chinese governments, and Chinese people were engaged by the outside world, and wanted to study and learn foreign goods and ideas. However, at the same time they were feared that they might lose political and moral as well as their Chinese values and traditions. In each chapter, the author explained the overview of China's contracts with other civilizations, how China participated in a network of international exchange all around the world. In the book, it started out from the year between 629 through 645, which was the Tang dynasty. In this time, Han China ...
- 34: The Boxer Rebellion
- The Boxer Rebellion China during the late nineteenth century was in turmoil from external and internal forces. The underlining internal pressures were exacerbated by the thrust of western imperialism and exploitation. Imperialism and the west were the catalyst for the Boxer Uprising. The ingredients of descent and conflict were always present in the late nineteenth century. China had its difficulties without the west’s intrusion. The Boxer Uprising was a reaction against the West, not a rebellion against the Qing Dynasty. The Boxer uprising differs from Taping rebellion in that regard. In this essay, I will illustrate the slow incremental effects of the Imperialist powers on China. This process gives insight into the origins of the Boxer Uprising. I will also argue, that the way the Chinese government choose to deal with the West compounded its problems. There were major decisions ...
- 35: The Ancient Mariners of the Mediterranean and Ming Dynasty China: A Comparison of Seafaring in the Ancient World
- The Ancient Mariners of the Mediterranean and Ming Dynasty China: A Comparison of Seafaring in the Ancient World “Audaces fortuna iuvat!” This Roman motto which literally means “fortune favors the bold” has been cited as a common adage used by business men during the apogee ... great knowledge of seafaring and a desire to acquire tribute for their emperor, Zhu Di, the Son of Heaven. But how did these great ancient seafarers of the Mediterranean and those of the Ming Dynasty China emerge to become the great lords of the sea? This essay shall explore this question as well as these equally important ones: Who were these seafarers? Where did they sail? What did they do? How ... of world maritime history is really a study of different cultures. These various cultures determine not only why a particular civilization goes to sea, but also when, where, how, and who does so. Unlike Ming China, the Mediterranean is and does consist of many different cultures. Over the centuries, because of these varying cultures and the struggles that erupted over desired resources, the Mediterranean has also come under the domination ...
- 36: Chinese Economy
- China's Economic Future Outlook If China's economy grows as fast for the next 20 years as it has for the past 14, it will be the biggest economy on earth: I feel that China's drastic improvements over the last 14 years are overwhelming, with their Real GNP growing at a rate of 9% a year, which means by, 1994, China's economy will match the performance of ...
- 37: China's Population Problem
- China's Population Problem The Chinese government has taken the enforcement of family planning and birthrate laws to an extreme by violating the civil rights of its citizens, which has had bad effects on the morale of its people (Whyte 161). China's population has grown to such an enormous size that it has become a problem to both the people and government. China, the most populous country in the world, has an estimated population of about one thousand-one hundred-thirty three point six million (Hsu 1). Ninety-four percent of the population thrives in the eastern ...
- 38: The Roots Of Communist China
- ... is a non-Western revolution is more than a clich‚. That revolution has been primarily directed, not like the French Revolution but against alien Western influences that approached the level of domination and drastically altered China's traditional relationship with the world. Hence the Chinese Communist attitude toward China's traditional past is selectively critical, but by no means totally hostile. The Chinese Communist revolution, and the foreign policy of the regime to which it has given rise, have several roots, each of which ... one would tend to expect of a movement seemingly so convulsive. The Chinese superiority complex institutionalized in their tributary system was justified by any standards less advanced or efficient than those of the modern West. China developed an elaborate and effective political system resting on a remarkable cultural unity, the latter in turn being due mainly to the general acceptance of a common, although difficult, written language and a common ...
- 39: The Life of Mao Zedong
- The Life of Mao Zedong Dressed in the drab military uniform that symbolized the revolutionary government of Communist China, Mao Zedong's body still looked powerful, like an giant rock in a gushing river. An enormous red flag draped his coffin, like a red sail unfurled on a Chinese junk, illustrating the dualism of traditional China and the present Communist China that typified Mao. 1 A river of people flowed past while he lay in state during the second week of September 1976. Workers, peasants, soldiers and students, united in grief; brought together by Mao, ...
- 40: Marco Polo's Influence
- ... Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. His father, Nicolò, and uncle Maffeo were both Italian merchants. When it was around 1269, Marco Polo finally met his father and uncle after their travels from China. They talked about Kublai Khan, a Mongol leader them, who sent them on mission to get European scholars to teach Christianity. They were Kublai's ambassadors to the Pope; they helped Kublai ask for 100 intelligent men "acquainted with the Seven Arts". They were to also return to China because they had to bring some oil from the lamp burning at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. They finally set off to China, bringing Marco Polo along with them. When they finally reached Shangdu, Kublai's palace, Marco Polo was 21 years old. Kublai and Marco ended up being really good friends, and Kublai appointed him into ...
Search results 31 - 40 of 1053 matching essays