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Search results 61 - 70 of 7138 matching essays
- 61: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- ... alcohol syndrome should be a concern for all Americans; this is a very big problem that we face in society today. In this research paper you will what fetal alcohol syndrome is and is it child abuse. Fetal alcohol syndrome also known as FAS was first discover in France in 1968 and later by American researchers in 1973 (Chasnoff, 75). Fetal alcohol syndrome is a term used to describe the damage some ... the lip with flat philtrum (upper lip ridges), thin upper lip and flat mid face. The last characteristic is signs of central nervous system damage. However fetal alcohol syndrome damages appears to vary in every child. The causes of FAS are alcohol in pregnant womens bloodstream circulates to the fetus by crossing the placenta. There the alcohol interferes with the ability to the fetus to receive sufficient oxygen and ...
- 62: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- ... area between the nose and mouth) and a thin upper lip. There is also, a catch to diagnosing FAS, because applying these diagnostic criteria requires expertise in recognizing dysmorphic features. This is only because a child with FAS their features may change over time and age. However, the clinical recognition and reporting is improving, but on the other hand improvements can become troublesome by clouding the true changes in the rate ... tracked the patient's while they were in the hospital from birth until discharge. Whereas the MACDP tracks the patients and detects diagnosis mentioned anywhere in a medical record, throughout the first year of a child's life. Let's see what it takes to design a program like these. There are three important attributes for a successful surveillance program and they are: sensitivity, predicted value positive, and representativeness. First off ... PVP of the surveillance. There are two examples that would decrease the PVP of the surveillance. If an FAS surveillance program uses a case definition of intrauterine growth retardation and a history of maternal alcohol abuse only, but not the dysmorphic facial features, it is likely that many cases included under that definition may not meet the clinical criteria of FAS. Another example is clinical features in each of the ...
- 63: The Horrible Truth Of Child Labor
- The Horrible Truth Of Child Labor Read the following story, and imagine yourself in this situation: Jitti Tumrin, 13, arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, from his northern village a few months ago to work in a leather factory. From the day ... to do, he says in his native Thai. Knowing how his parents depend on his earnings, he says, I cannot disappoint them and tell them the truth that I am very unhappy. The issue of Child Labour is often overlooked by government and international bodies alike. Over 250, 000, 000 children (under the age of fourteen) worldwide are exploited and treated as slaves. If there is to be any hope of ... same rights, but an astonishing number of them are not aware of them. It is this lack of knowledge, and lack of power to do anything about it, that is the cause of the continued child labour workforce. Therefore, to abolish child labour, the general populace must first be aware of the harsh reality, and then create and implement solutions to ameliorate the problem. Most people around the world know ...
- 64: Drug Abuse: People Abused vs. Drugs Abused
- Drug Abuse: People Abused vs. Drugs Abused Drug abuse most often refers to the use of drugs with such frequency that it causes physical or mental harm to the user and impairs social functioning, according to the definition stated in "Software Toolworks Encyclopedia". This term also refers to the use of a drug prohibited by the law, regardless of whether it was actually harmful or not. Although the term seems to imply that users abuse the drug they take, in fact, it is themselves or others they abuse by using it. Therefore, the preferred term ought to be "self abuse". Since there are lots of individuals who associate the ...
- 65: Appalacian Regional Commission & Poverty In Appalachia
- ... is progress by people toward economic security and a better quality of life. Primary care clinics built by the ARC have put modern health care within a 30 minute drive of every Appalachian adult and child. A network of vocational schools and technical and junior colleges has given thousands of Appalachians relevant skills for todays job market. Modern sewer systems for industry have helped to create thousands of new jobs ... first time. New and rehabilitated housing at low to moderate cost has given thousands of Appalachian families their first opportunity at home ownership. Thousands of kids have gotten a good start in life in comprehensive child care programs funded by the ARC. In doing these projects, the ARC joined other federal agencies, with the states, and local communities. In the future, the area development program will directly address the five goals ... highway projects they had 21 grants, all of which dealt with the Appalachian Development Highway. In terms of non-highway projects, their was a total of 419 grants, including 60 for business development, 3 for child development, 148 for community development, 57 for education and job training, 3 for environmental and natural resources, 21 for Health grants, 72 for local development district planning and administration, 28 for leadership and civic ...
- 66: Juvenile Justice System In America
- ... responsibility was ascribed to children under the age of 16. Despite the apparent humanity of some early statutes, however, the punishment of juvenile offenders until the 19th century was often severe. In the U.S., child criminals were treated as adult criminals. Sentences for all offenders could be harsh and the death penalty was occasionally imposed. The First institution expressly for juveniles, the House of Refuge, was founded in New York ... very rigid and punitive. In the second half of the 19th century increased attention was given to the need for special legal procedures that would protect and guide the juvenile offender rather than subject the child to the full force of criminal law. Massachusetts in 1870 and 1880 and New York in 1892, provided for special hearings for children in courts. As the U.S. juvenile justice system began to develop ... 1899. One of the principal reasons for the new system was to avoid the harsh treatment previously imposed on delinquent children. An act of wrongdoing by a minor was seen as an indication of the childs need for care and treatment rather than a justification for punishing that child through criminal penalties. Besides the juvenile court, other innovations in working with juvenile delinquents have appeared in the 20th century, ...
- ... fulfil their duties, and meet their responsibilities, concerning the care, welfare and development of their children. These recent amendments are clearly a positive step forward for family law because the law has recognised that the child is the only important factor in a divorce and that it is crucial that the rights of the child are protected. To fairly evaluate the effectiveness of these recent amendments in protecting the interests of the child, the social implications of the act, the principles taken into account when deciding a case, the impact on stakeholders, and criticisms of the act must all be taken into consideration. In order to ensure ...
- 68: Birth Parents Should Not Be Able To Reclaim Their Child
- Birth Parents Should Not Be Able To Reclaim Their Child The world is a diverse land with different races, different religions, and different politics. However, what divides the world is the disagreement about which way a child should be raised in society. More importantly, though, the thing maturing children need most is a strong family of their own. Many would believe this would impact birthparents when making the decision on whether or not to put their child up for adoption. In reality they often disregard the best interest of the child. Because birth parents are often able to reclaim their child, adoption a child has become frightening to those interested in ...
- 69: Youth Violence
- ... the June 10, 1992, edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Brandon Centerwall states, every violent act is the result of an array of forces coming together--poverty, crime, alcohol and drug abuse, stress--of which childhood exposure to television is just one, (18). Nevertheless, the evidence indicates that if, hypothetically, television technology had never been developed, there would be ten thousand fewer homicides each year in the ... be transmitted to the next generation," (276). This direct link from the T.V. screen into a person s live clearly shows the link between T.V. violence and actual violence. By the time a child leaves elementary school he or she will have seen over 8,000 murders, and more than 100,000 other acts of violence on broadcast TV alone. By age 16, the average American child has seen 200,000 acts of violence on TV, including 33,000 murders. As the video Hollywood s Captive Audience notes, in 1993, the APA released a landmark study outlying four major effects of ...
- 70: Issues Of Addiction
- ... over into the home. This is where the addict's disease begins to take its toll on children and spouses. (Alcoholism 17). When addictions take their place in the home, abusive relationships break open. This abuse does not have to be physical, however. Emotional abuse is as damaging as physical abuse, though it is often harder to recognize, and therefore to recover from. Emotional abuse causes long term self-esteem issues and profound emotional impacts for the partners of abusers. Abuse typically alternates with affirmation ...
Search results 61 - 70 of 7138 matching essays