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Search results 61 - 68 of 68 matching essays
- 61: Mexico
- ... demanded reforms from the Salinas government for better treatment for poor Indians there. They chose to begin their rebellion to coincide with the implementation of NAFTA because they consider it a "death sentence." They demand bilingual and intercultural education in their indigenous language as well as in Spanish. They want titles and protection of the lands where they live. Finally, they say that the governments should ratify the International Labor Office ...
- 62: Ethiopia
- ... Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia. Tigrinya and Arabic are the official languages of Eritrea. These are the only three languages with a written script. Due to the number of languages, many Ethiopians are bilingual and even trilingual. See figure 4. Religions: Due to all these different religions many problems arise, such as which religion should be the inferior religion? Around 1931 Emperor Haile Selassie ruled. When the emperor was ...
- 63: Binge Drinking
- ... in the household was selected using the Kish method, which lists all adult household members and then uses one of 12 possible selection schemes to randomly select among those eligible (Marνn, 1992, 1104). Interviewers were bilingual males and females. Experienced interviewers recruited respondents by telling them this was a national health survey and that the topic was AIDS. Interviewers received specific training on how to ask the highly personal questions used ...
- 64: A Case Study In Diversity Indi
- ... satire publication, to Interactive maps of major cities. I also really like the inclusion of the Romanian language in most of its areas; some items are in English, some in Romanian, and many are bilingual. I feel that the SAWNET site does not to justice to the varied culture of India (or any of the other cultures it represents, such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka). Nor does ...
- 65: Culturalpluralism
- ... Spanish. Family interactions with one another were in Spanish. As children entered grammar school they had to enter as non-English speakers, fully immersed in English. At the time there was not an opportunity for bilingual education or ESL programs since these children were the only non-English speakers. All other family members abroad were never again visited or heard from. The new immigrant family was on their own. With little ...
- 66: Binge Drinking 2
- ... in the household was selected using the Kish method, which lists all adult household members and then uses one of 12 possible selection schemes to randomly select among those eligible (Marνn, 1992, 1104). Interviewers were bilingual males and females. Experienced interviewers recruited respondents by telling them this was a national health survey and that the topic was AIDS. Interviewers received specific training on how to ask the highly personal questions used ...
- 67: Health Care System
- ... to pre-teens, teens, parents, and caregivers on topics of human sexuality, including health care, family planning, relationships, and HIV/Aids. There are teen peer education groups as well as Latino community workshops provided by bilingual/ bicultural educators. PPSP provides a complete resource center (bookstore and library) which provides a collection of literature on reproduction health care, sexuality, etc. Advocacy. PPSP urges political action for families/ planning and other reproductive health ...
- ... Spanish. Family interactions with one another were in Spanish. As children entered grammar school they had to enter as non-English speakers, fully immersed in English. At the time there was not an opportunity for bilingual education or ESL programs since these children were the only non-English speakers. All other family members abroad were never again visited or heard from. The new immigrant family was on their own. With little ...
Search results 61 - 68 of 68 matching essays