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Search results 31 - 40 of 68 matching essays
- 31: Immigration
- ... of these issues include education, communication, and assimilation. The public school systems of the U.S. today are inadequate enough, without the hassle of trying to cope with immigrants. Assuming that the immigrant children are bilingual(most of which are not), they will still have much trouble adjusting to the curriculum, and most likely will need to be taught in separate classes; this requires more teachers, space, and desperately needed money ...
- 32: Is Canada Losing Its Identity
- ... most complex and hardest to deal with. It dates back to those early settlers of Canada and the two conflicting mother tongues, English and French. Over the last 200 years, Canada has evolved into a bilingual country where English is the dominant language. This offends the rights of many of the French, who largely live in the province of Quebec, who feel they're not being treated equally. This is an ...
- 33: A Background Of Argentina
- ... 93% are Roman Catholic, 2.5% Protestant, 2% Jewish, 1.5% Ukrainian Catholic and a small no of Armenian Orthodox. With an equal literacy rate between men and women of 96.2%, most Argentineans are bilingual. The most common language is American/Spanish, with English and 17 indigenous languages trailing behind. There is a population of 34 million with a growth rate of 1.2%. Although Argentina is lovely and wealthy ...
- 34: Learning To Really Learn
- ... those of generations ago. This is because of the advent of the radio and television, and the rise of nurseries provide more language stimulation outside the home for the under privileged kids. Less contact with bilingual help who talk in broken English help the richer ones! Parents, more importantly, need to recognize themselves as the primary teacher of the child who does need love and affection. Their language patterns are largely ...
- 35: Language Conflict In Canda
- ... was the area that caused the most concern. According to Bill 101, if a town has an English speaking population of less that 51%, the school will teach exclusively in French. This effectively eliminates the bilingual model that most English Canadians presume is part of their national culture. The language issue is not confined to Quebec province. In retaliation for the language regulations passed by the province, local governments in other ...
- 36: The Queer Use Of Women In Borg
- ... Luis Borges' `La intrusa:' The Awakening of Love and Consciousness/The Sacrifice of Love and Consciousness." The Analysis of Hispanic Texts: Current Trends in Methodology. Eds. Lisa E. Davis and Isabel C. Tarαn. New York: Bilingual P, 1976. 300-319. Lima, Robert. "Coitus Interruptus: Sexual Transubstantiation in the Works of Jorge Luis Borges." Modern Fiction Studies 19 (1973): 407-417. Magnarelli, Sharon. "Literature and Desire: Women in the Fiction of Jorge ...
- 37: History Of Music
- ... of motifs, sequential patterns, and imitation. Out of this came the motet, originally in Latin on a sacred text. Unlike the organum, the text was sung in the higher voices as well as the tenor. Bilingual motets (French/Latin, English/Latin, etc.) arose, and secular texts or combinations of sacred and secular texts were used. Tenors were sometimes chosen from French popular songs instead of from plainchant. Instruments played lower parts ...
- 38: Artworks Review
- In the Piece created by Robert Colecott entitled the Bilingual Cop, a cop is positioned in the center of the work standing behind a brick wall. The cop is yelling racial slurs at two men who are passed out; one man is an African American ...
- 39: Examination Of Music History
- ... of motifs, sequential patterns, and imitation. Out of this developed the motet, originally in Latin on a sacred text. Unlike the organum, the text was sung in the upper voices as well as the tenor. Bilingual motets (French-Latin, English-Latin) arose, and secular texts or combinations of sacred and secular texts were used. Tenors were sometimes chosen from French popular songs instead of from plainchant. Instruments played lower parts, making ...
- 40: Bless Me, Ultima: The Cultural Distress of a Young Society
- ... a promised land: La frontera as a myth and reality in ballad and song. Aztlan 21 no 1-2:227-62 '92 '96 Jimenez, F. (1979). The Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature. New York: Bilingual Press. Miller, T. (1981). On the Border. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. Salado Alvarez, V. (1968). De como escapo Mexico de ser Yankee. Mexico: Editorial Jus. Saldivar, R. (1990). Chicano Narrative. Wisconsin: The University of ...
Search results 31 - 40 of 68 matching essays