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Search results 11 - 20 of 68 matching essays
- 11: Bilingual Education...”Si” or No?
- Bilingual Education...”Si” or No? Today, in many schools across America, a new learning concept is being tested--bilingual education. This concept allows foreign children to use their native language (or family language) for educational purposes. Some feel this concept can help children to do better in their classwork and have a more familiar ... also with the rest of society. In doing so, he feels he lost all or most of his Mexican culture and closeness with his parents by giving up Spanish--his native language. Rodriguez feels that bilingual education is wrong because using a family language in school “...misunderstand(s) the public uses of schooling and...trivialize(s) the nature of intimate life” (225). In his essay, “Aria: A Memoir of a ...
- 12: Bilnigual Education
- ... language over the course of six to nine years or being put into a classroom and have to virtually teach yourself the language by listening to others around you which would you choose? Late exit bilingual education is a more effective form of bilingual education compared to the English immersion form of bilingual education in the fact that there are more benefits and less adverse effects. There are many reasons why late exit bilingual education should be the choice of public schools everywhere with high minority populations. ...
- 13: English Only
- ... to individual liberties. There was no English proficiency requirement to become naturalized as a U.S. citizen until 1906 the first major language restriction to be enacted at the federal level. Before World War I, bilingual education was common in areas where nonanglophone groups enjoyed political clout. During the 19th century, state laws, constitutions, and legislative proceedings appeared in languages as diverse as Welsh, Czech, Norwegian, Spanish, French, and of course ... on the telephone. (Crawford) Proposition 227 was passed by a substantial majority of California voters. Its passage is the direct result of the state's poor student performance in English. Until its passage, California embraced bilingual education. Proposition 227 virtually ends bilingual education in California and reintroduces phonics based programs. The California Content Standards and California Education Code clearly define the course requirements under Proposition 227 and the goals for grade level performance. Many groups and ...
- 14: Factors Of Second Language
- ... directly influence the ability of the learner to learn a second language, it does indirectly influence its acceptability and the accessibility of resources and funding for language programs. Recently, there has been a backlash towards bilingual education in America that has reached our highest institution of Congress. Bob Dole, senator from Kansas puts forth this attitude in his statement, "Alternative language education should stop and English should be acknowledged once and ... means of instilling ethnic pride or as therapy for low self -esteem or out of elitist guilt over a culture built on the traditions of the West." Dole is not alone with his condemnation of bilingual education. In addition there are 17 co-sponsors of a bill sponsored by Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) which requires that all government business be conducted in English and all public documents be in ... learn new concepts and ideas if it is not taught to him in the language he is academically strongest in. The failure of many to understand this principle is at the heart of the anti-bilingual attitude in America. Americans complain of an uneducated immigrant population, yet denies them the ability to become an educated populous in their native language, which research has shown is the best way. It is ...
- ... directly influence the ability of the learner to learn a second language, it does indirectly influence its acceptability and the accessibility of resources and funding for language programs. Recently, there has been a backlash towards bilingual education in America that has reached our highest institution of Congress. Bob Dole, senator from Kansas puts forth this attitude in his statement, "Alternative language education should stop and English should be acknowledged once and ... means of instilling ethnic pride or as therapy for low self -esteem or out of elitist guilt over a culture built on the traditions of the West." Dole is not alone with his condemnation of bilingual education. In addition there are 17 co-sponsors of a bill sponsored by Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) which requires that all government business be conducted in English and all public documents be in ... learn new concepts and ideas if it is not taught to him in the language he is academically strongest in. The failure of many to understand this principle is at the heart of the anti-bilingual attitude in America. Americans complain of an uneducated immigrant population, yet denies them the ability to become an educated populous in their native language, which research has shown is the best way. It is ...
- 16: Multiculturalism
- ... as well as respect theirs. People are free to hang any flag that they want in our country and that is how multicultural we are. Some people argue that it is not right to implement bilingual education. They argue that anyone who enters this country should have to speak our language. They believe it is detrimental to the rest of us if bilingual education is allowed. Bilingual education has helped other countries substantially. Countries such as Germany or Switzerland learn many languages and it gives them a better understanding of the world. Their intellectual abilities are often increased with the bilingual ...
- 17: Canada- Facts And Figures
- ... and provides for special measures aimed at enhancing the vitality and supporting the development of English and French linguistic minority communities. Canada's federal institutions reflect the equality of its two official languages by offering bilingual services. Ethnic Origin In 1996, about 19% of the population reported "Canadian" as their single ethnic origin, with 17% reporting British Isles-only ancestry and 9% French-only ancestry. About 10% reported a combination of ... Statistics Canada census, the level of bilingualism among young Canadians aged 15 to 25 has risen from 16 percent to 23 percent in a single decade. Young Canadians in this age group are the most bilingual generation in our nation's history. Internationally, it is estimated that some 800 million people speak English and 250 million speak French. As well, La Francophonie makes up 18 percent of the world economy and accounts for more than $100 billion in trade annually. Clearly, a knowledge of both languages provides a competitive edge in the battle to conquer new markets. As a bilingual nation, Canada has that edge. The Official Languages Act makes French and English the official languages of Canada and provides for special measures aimed at enhancing the vitality and supporting the development of English ...
- 18: Ebonics Is Not The Answer
- ... that legitimizes academic underachievement by creating a role for slang in education. Oakland District states in its bulletin “ Asian-American, Latino-American, Native American, and all other language-different children are provided general funds for bilingual education, English as a Second Language (ESL) and state and federal (Title VIII) bilingual education programs to address their limited and non-English-proficient (LEP/NEP) needs. African-American pupils are equally entitled to be tested and, where appropriate, shall be provided general funds and state and federal bilingual education and ESL programs to specifically address their LEP/NEP needs.” As far as Ebonics being genetically inherited from ancestors from the Swahili language and thus is a natural form of speech within African ...
- 19: Hunger Of Memory
- ... conflict of speaking English versus Spanish, and the paradox that became evident as he used English as his primary language. Furthermore, the reader learns that Rodriguez’s experiences have contributed to his beliefs that a bilingual education is harmful. First of all, Richard Rodriguez came from a family where his parents had been born and raised in Mexico. After moving and settling in America, Rodriguez’s parents gave birth to him ... sense of private individualism by becoming assimilated into public society, such assimilation makes possible the achievement of public individualism" (39). Rodriguez presents his story to the reader in order to speak out against support for bilingual education. In the beginning of the excerpt, Rodriguez explains, "Supporters of bilingual education today imply that students like me miss a great deal by not being taught in their family’s language. What they seem not to recognize that as a socially disadvantaged child... I needed ...
- 20: Hunger Of Memory
- ... conflict of speaking English versus Spanish, and the paradox that became evident as he used English as his primary language. Furthermore, the reader learns that Rodriguez s experiences have contributed to his beliefs that a bilingual education is harmful. First of all, Richard Rodriguez came from a family where his parents had been born and raised in Mexico. After moving and settling in America, Rodriguez s parents gave birth to him ... sense of private individualism by becoming assimilated into public society, such assimilation makes possible the achievement of public individualism (39). Rodriguez presents his story to the reader in order to speak out against support for bilingual education. In the beginning of the excerpt, Rodriguez explains, Supporters of bilingual education today imply that students like me miss a great deal by not being taught in their family s language. What they seem not to recognize that as a socially disadvantaged child... I needed ...
Search results 11 - 20 of 68 matching essays