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221: Prenatal Diagnosis: Heredity Disorders, Other Biochemical Diseases, and Disfiguring Birth Defects
... that mental retardation is more common in males has been a known fact for about a century. (Emery, 1968). The major reason for this excess became clear in the mid-1970's, when studies from Australia focused attention on an unexpectedly common disorder with striking features: the fragile -X syndrome. (Nora, 1989). This disorder, caused by a single defective gene on the X chromosome, has highly variable signs that usually include ...
222: The Effects of Lead Poison on Children
... a problem commonly known as lead poison. Lead poisoning has been an issue since the early 1900s, when the use of lead started being banned from the manufacturing of paint in foreign countries such as Australia(Monheit, 1996). Unfortunately the United States did not start banding it until 1978, when it finally became illegal in our nation. Today 90% of the lead in the atmosphere comes from the burning of gasoline ...
223: How Alcohol May Affect Human Behaviour
... may affect human behaviour. Some Facts(1) Australian industry loses more than one billion dollars a year because of sickness caused by alcohol. Alcohol plays a part in more than 50% of serious crimes in Australia. In violent crimes it plays an even bigger part: more than 75% of them are linked to alcohol. About half of the people killed in road accidents are killed because somebody has drunk to much ...
224: AIDS and HIV
... Patterns There are three different geographic patterns of AIDS transmission. The first one is characteristic of industrializing nations with large numbers of reported AIDS cases, such as the United States, Canada, countries in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Latin America. In these areas most AIDS cases have been attributed to homosexual or bisexual activity and intravenous drug abuse. The second pattern is seen in areas of central, eastern ...
225: Smoking
... Control, and Smoking. This article studies how the participants confidence levels and health locus prior to entering treatment predicts results of the quitting program. The program is called "Fresh Start" and was conducted in Victoria, Australia. It consisted of three groups: (A) those who made an attempt (Stop for one day), (B) those who met criteria in A, and did not smoke for duration of program, (C) those who abstained for ...
226: One Of The Six Basic Principles Of The Constitution: Federalism
... was resolved in the U.S. by the Civil War. In the nineteenth century, the success of the American federalist system led a number of other countries to institute federalist systems. Modern federal governments include Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Switzerland, the former USSR, and the present-day Russian federation. In all modern federal systems the authority of the central and regional government is specified in a written constitution and ...
227: Economic Impact of Canadian Telecommunications Legislation
... around the world, Canada was beginning to lose its competitiveness. The USA and Britain have made strategic decisions to increase competition in telecommunications services and to modernize their "information infrastructures". Other countries such as Japan, Australia, and New Zealand are following their lead. The European Community is considering legislation to unify the European telecommunications market next year (Blackwell, 1993, p22). In order to not be left behind, Canada updated its telecommunications ...
228: Canada - Of the United States of America
... handgun can be purchased in less than 24 hours. In 1992 handguns were used to murder 36 people in Sweden, 97 in Switzerland, 60 in Japan, 128 in Canada, 33 in Great Britain, 13 in Australia and 13,495 in the United States; God Bless America!16 Again, a major Canadian system has proven itself superior to its American counterpart. It is surprising that Canada's most important social institutions are ...
229: Canada's Aid to Third World Countries
... double. Canada tried very hard to provide these needy "Third World" countries with the best possible aid. Without the help of Canada as well as other "First World" countries such as the United States and Australia the "Third World" countries would not be around for this long and would have absolutely no hope of survival.
230: Gun Control Is Needed
... will be no gun violence, it makes sense. Appendix Figure 1.1 Handgun Control, Inc. "In 1988, handguns killed 7 people in Great Britain, 19 in Sweden, 53 in Switzerland, 25 in Israel, 13 in Australia, 8 in Canada, and 8,915 in the United States." Figure 1.2 1989 Federal Lobbying Reports This figure shows the amount of money spent by both pro and anti gun control groups in 1989 ...

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