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71: Technology Transfer
... readings about nineteenth and twentieth century technology transfer. During the nineteenth century two major events stand out in connection to technology. First the progress and power of industrial technology, second the domination and exploitation of Africa and Asia by Europeans. In the book The Tools of Empire, Headrick the author connects theses factors through many examples in history. Leading into the twentieth century even though many would like to fast forward into the dawn of electronics, there is still a major focus on technology in Africa and Asia. However, the transfer of technology is now steering away from dominating and leaning towards local adaptation. Africa and India experienced a deeper affect of technological transfer because they were conquered and colonized by Europe. The steamboat with its ability to travel up and down river enabled Europeans deep into Africa and ...
72: Mahatma Gandhi: Man Of Peace
... have given up anything for it, yet it was weighed and found unpardonable wanting because my mind was at the same time in the grip of lust (Dalton 147). In 1892 Gandhi traveled to South Africa. It turned out to be a major staging point for his unwavering stance towards non violence and equal rights. Gandhi faced many hardships and obstacles in Africa. When he arrived in Natal he met with his employer and a week later was sent, by train, to Pretoria, Transvaal. This is were his strife began. Gandhi employer had purchased a first class ticket ... program was to establish harmony between Europeans and Indians. Gandhi returned home in 1869 for a short visit and to pick up his family. He was known by a few Indians, his exploits in South Africa reached some in the Indian communities. Gandhi wasted no time trying to excite the crowd into action. He wrote news paper articles and pamphlets about how Indians in South Africa were being treated. Gandhi ...
73: Satyagraha, A Weapon Of Non-vi
... a tool for social reform and consequently with great fortitude, were subject to continuous imprisonment and instances of harsh beatings. They exhibited a vow of fearlessness. They strived to eliminate discrimination and inequity in South Africa and India and they welcomed personal suffering to do so. Civil disobedience, however, would not be effective without the moral power of, and commitment to, Satyagraha. Gandhi's concept of Satyagraha was a way of ... he said The soul can remain unconquered and unconquerable even when the body is imprisoned, (Gandhi, 1951). During the early stages of Gandhi's political career there was a time when many Europeans in South Africa despised and sought to harm him. This was the result of a great misunderstanding and exaggeration. In eighteen-ninety-six at the young age of twenty-six, Gandhi constructed a pamphlet entitled " The Grievances of the British Indians in South Africa," (Chada, 1998). Bound in green, it was consequently known as the Green Pamphlet. Appropriately and precisely, the Green Pamphlet " Summarized several petitions, memorials, circulars, and leaflets, and detailed the sufferings of the Indians in ...
74: Black And White - A Look At The Existance Of Racial Differen
... by different melanin levels. What causes this difference? Why, it\\'s evolution, that gradual process of genetic change due to the environment a particular species habitates. Negroes lived in very hot, sun-drenched parts of Africa, and they needed protection from the sun. So they evolved darker skin so they wouldn\\'t get sunburned as easily. Now we all know that Africa is some of the most fertile, lush land in the world. Africa abounds with game and almost any type of fruit and berries imaginable. The actual deserts in Africa are quite small, and those images of starving African Negroes you see on your TV is only ...
75: How the Government May Have Created AIDS
... Appropriations Hearing, the articles from the World Health Organization; these are official records -- facts of history -- that can not be disputed. We also pointed out an incredible coincidence. The World Health Organization went into Central Africa in 1972 -- into an area that is known as the "AIDS Belt" -- and administered a smallpox vaccination to several thousands of Africans. This event was followed immediately by the first outbreak of AIDS on this ... documented -- it is completely true. In our first program, we made many references to material that you can and should read, such as the Strecker Memorandum, by Dr. Robert Strecker. Another work called "Who Murdered Africa," by Dr. William Douglas. And an incredible book called "A Higher Form of Killing," which documents over 500 specific cases of biological experimentation by our government on an unsuspecting public. If you don't think ... could never have occurred spontaneously in Nature. That animal viruses cannot jump species, as we are being told they did, as we are being asked to believe happened -- when allegedly, a green monkey bit an Africa and precipitated the pandemic of AIDS. We know as a scientific fact that viruses cannot jump species, unless they are specifically engineered to do so. And we also know for a scientific fact that ...
76: Marcus Garvey
... on them. When Marcus returned to Jamaica he got re-acquainted with a group of friends and founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), which sought, among other things, to work on black emigration to Africa. It also promoted racial pride, education, and black business activity. In Jamaica Garvey didn’t attract the kind of following that he hope for so he moved his tactics to the United States in 1916 ... also founded the Negro Factories Corporation (NFC) which its purpose was to promote black economic independence by providing money and labor to black business owners. It also helped to build factories in the United States, Africa, Central America, and the West Indies. He also founded the first and, to this day, the largest black-owned multinational businesses, the Black Star Line (BSL), which focused on purchasing boats and serving an international shipping triangle that would return black people to their homeland of Africa. The shipping triangle revolved around the United States, West Indies, and Africa. Marcus Garvey not only founded companies or groups, but he also founded the Negro World in 1918, which was the leading black ...
77: Slavery - An Era Of Inhumanity
... the world one is greeted with the good news of a manchild being born to Omoro and Binta Kinte in a village called Juffure which is located north of the coast of the Gambia, West Africa(Haley 1). His name is Kunta Kinte and with the progress of time, we learn that he is bright, tenacious, bold, confident, and honest. Haley, like Stowe, portrays Kunta in a positive manner in order ... Instead, he is merely portraying the life of Kunta in an African village of the 1700s. By depicting Juffure, he is able to show that the Africans indeed had their own way of life in Africa. They were not savages that whites thought them to be as but rather civilized human beings with system and order established in their villages as well as a very humane family structure. In fact, Haley ... began rubbing against the boards. (Haley 179) In the hold where these men lie, there is constant moaning and screaming from the physical anguish as well as mental anguish. Haley portrays the inhumane journey from Africa to America so that the reader may realize that African-Americans suffered great difficulties during their reluctant voyage. They were not brought here in a peaceful manner but rather experienced great physical as well ...
78: Suriname
... people to find out if these Maroon art works such as calabash bowls were truly African in origin, or if they have other sources that have provided an influence on them that is far beyond Africa. There was a re-emergence in the Maroon arts thatfs unexplainable to many scholars that have studied them. The Pricefs term this as a gunique balance of continuity-in-changeh. What this term means is, they feel there was a lack of documentation during these times and the arts where always around and there was no disappearing act. Counter and Evens went to Suriname find Africa. They believe that Africa and the Suriname Maroons have a direct connection other than being of African decent as far as the arts are concerned. I believe both the Pricefs and Counter and Evens had the same ...
79: ... It is hypocritical because what he is accusing Jim (the "African- American") of (stealing children from somebody he didn't even know) is the exact same thing slave owners did when they brought slaves from Africa. Huck has this "passing on of what he denies" attitude many times in the book. For example, Huck rejected the Bible but tried to teach Jim about it. Huck, later on, he has an internal ...

80: Cry The Beloved Country By Ala
Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton, is the timeless novel about South Africa in the 1940s. As powerful white men use the land for their own benefit, the tribal system of the African natives is broken down and replaced by poverty, homelessness, fear, and violence. A black ... Future generations will have to deal with these issues which are left unsolved by a power hungry nation. And if problems are left unsettled for too long, hatred may establish a permanent residence in South Africa. Msimangu, who has anticipated future events, confesses to Kumalo what he fears most deeply: that one day when they [white people] are turned to loving, they will find we [black people] are turned to hating ... is only one thing that has power completely, and that is love. Because when a man loves, he seeks no power, and therefore he has power.(Pg. 39) This illustrates the means by which South Africa can renew itself. When people work together for a common and genuine goal, anything is possible. In the midst of Kumalos distress, he encounters hope and forgiveness through Jarvis. Pain and suffering, they ...

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