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Search results 91 - 100 of 1458 matching essays
- 91: Review of Musical Singin in the Rain
- Review of Musical Singin in the Rain Regarded by many as the best movie musical, “Singin' in the Rain” is an extraordinary mixture of dancing, humour and sharp observation as Hollywood takes a good look at itself. The setting is during the Twenties when films were just making the progression to sound, a time ... Broadway Ballet" triumph, featuring a guest appearance by Cyd Charisse with a 25-foot long white silk veil - gorgeous. There is more, much more, than this but you'll have to see Singin' in the Rain to see them and I heartily recommend that you make the effort.
- 92: Could Gambling Save Science: Encouraging an Honest Consensus
- ... of scientific questions than is presently considered feasible. (This section is somewhat dense, and may be profitably skimmed on a first reading.) ASSETS Imagine that John bets Mary $5, at even odds, that it will rain next Monday. Since they don't entirely trust each other, John and Mary put the bet in writing and each give $5 to Frank, a trusted third party. John has essentially paid $5 for an I.O.U. that says "Worth $10 If Rain Monday", since if he wins he gets $5 from Mary and his own $5 back. Mary's I.O.U. says "Worth $10 If Not Rain Monday". On Tuesday one of them can cash in their I.O.U. for $10 from Frank. This standard betting scenario can be improved by breaking it into different transactions; first create the I. ...
- 93: Black Rain: Reader Response
- Black Rain: Reader Response The main character in the novel is in some ways like myself. Mr. Shizuma is a person that is intrigued by many things and likes to see what reaction people have from any ... from the initial “new weapon” through “new-type bomb,” “secret weapon,” “special new-type bomb,” to “special high-capacity bomb.” That day, I learned for the first time to call it an “ atomic bomb.” (Black Rain 282) The importance of the name of the bomb may seem ineffectual, but he seems to dwell on finding out what caused this type of destruction. Something else that Mr. Shizuma wants to do is ... The title has a lot to do with the book because the title is how the whole thing started, with Mr. Shizuma's daughter coming home with black spots on her skin where the black rain had hit her. It could not be washed off and it burnt through clothing. The ending to the novel was satisfactory because the end of the war was a good place to end the ...
- 94: The Rain Forest
- The Rain Forest The destruction of the rainforest is a problem that the people of the world can not continue to ignore. 14 percent of the Earth's land used to be covered by rainforests yet this ... They can be found in 85 countries all over the world, however, 90 percent of them are concentrated into fifteen countries, each containing over ten million hectares. Tropical rainforests receive 160 to 400 inches of rain each year. Although these dense, damp forests cover just 5 percent of the Earth's surface, they can provide homes for between 50 and 90 percent of the Earth's plants and animals (http://www ... importance because they help control the Earth's climate. The plants in the forest store carbon dioxide in their roots, stems, branches, and leaves which lessens the greenhouse effect, consequently, lessening global warming. Also, when rain falls in the rainforest, the high temperatures make the water evaporate back into the air which recycles the water. Also, the clouds that cover the rainforests around the equator reflect the sunlight. This keeps ...
- 95: Effects Of Excessive Pesticide
- ... long been used as herbicides; c.1900 certain sulfates, ammonium and potassium salts, and other compounds began to be used as selective herbicides. The 1940s saw the development of 2,4-D (2,4-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid), an organic compound that is a highly selective systemic herbicide. Such herbicides are now widely used. Several such compounds, including 2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid), have been banned by the Environmental Protection Agency as potentially dangerous. 2,4,5-T was used in Agent Orange (a defoliant employed by U.S. forces in Vietnam), which has been linked to some ... soil and water, a pesticide applied to one medium (i.e. to the soil in a field) can contaminate elsewhere as the material is transported to other locations once mixed with another medium (i.e. rain water that runs off into a river.) Pesticides spread further afield than where they were applied, and the consequences of unanticipated pesticide contamination can be as harmful as they are unexpected. 2. Case Study : ...
- 96: The Effects of Creatine
- ... of oxygen are collected into the mitochondria where they are part of an enzymatic pathway called the TCA cycle. This process is highly efficient, resulting in a net gain of 17 ATP for every fatty acid or glucose molecule that enters the cycle. (Martini 307). Resting skeletal muscle fibers rely on the aerobic metabolism of fatty acids, while contracting tissues use pyruvic acid provided by the enzymatic pathway of glycolysis (Passwater 18). Glycolysis provides most of the energy for longer duration activities. It occurs when a glucose or glycogen molecule enters the cell from the bloodstream and is transformed into pyruvic acid through a series of complex reactions (Sahelian 82). The process is less efficient than aerobic metabolism though. It produces only 2 ATP and 2 pyruvic acid molecules for each glucose molecule than enters the ...
- 97: Black Rain
- By: Gambino Black Rain The main character in the novel is in some ways like myself. Mr. Shizuma is a person that is intrigued by many things and likes to see what reaction people have from any action. Throughout ... from the initial "new weapon" through "new-type bomb," "secret weapon," "special new-type bomb," to "special high-capacity bomb." That day, I learned for the first time to call it an "atomic bomb." (Black Rain 282) The importance of the name of the bomb may seem ineffectual, but he seems to dwell on finding out what caused this type of destruction. Something else that Mr. Shizuma wants to do is ... The title has a lot to do with the book because the title is how the whole thing started, with Mr. Shizuma's daughter coming home with black spots on her skin where the black rain had hit her. It could not be washed off and it burnt through clothing. The ending to the novel was satisfactory because the end of the war was a good place to end the ...
- 98: Black Rain
- Black Rain The main character in the novel is in some ways like myself. Mr. Shizuma is a person that is intrigued by many things and likes to see what reaction people have from any action. Throughout ... from the initial “new weapon” through “new-type bomb,” “secret weapon,” “special new-type bomb,” to “special high-capacity bomb.” That day, I learned for the first time to call it an “atomic bomb.” (Black Rain 282) The importance of the name of the bomb may seem ineffectual, but he seems to dwell on finding out what caused this type of destruction. Something else that Mr. Shizuma wants to do is ... The title has a lot to do with the book because the title is how the whole thing started, with Mr. Shizuma’s daughter coming home with black spots on her skin where the black rain had hit her. It could not be washed off and it burnt through clothing. The ending to the novel was satisfactory because the end of the war was a good place to end the ...
- 99: Cannabis Hemp. . .Marijuana!
- ... as much pulp for paper as 4.1 acres of trees over the same 20- year period being cut down; and this process would use only 1/5 to 1/7 as much sulfur-based acid chemicals to break down the glue-like lignin that binds with the fibers of the pulp. All this lignin must be broken down to make pulp paper. Hemp is only 4% lignin, while trees are ... burned 80% of its petroleum resources, while our coal reserves may last 100 years or so longer. But the decision to continue burning coal has serious drawbacks. This high-sulfur coal is responsible for our acid rain, which already kills 50,000 Americans and 5,000 to 10,000 Canadians annually. CLEAN, RENEWABLE FUEL SOURCE Fuel is not synonymous with petroleum, let's get over that. And new hemp/biomass energy ...
- 100: Business And The Economy
- ... instances where one country’s pollution problems in turn pollute neibouring countries such as Mercury used in manufacturing process eventually leaking into river systems (This happened between Canada and the United States). Another example is acid rain caused by burning fossil fuels without capturing or burning off the chemicals that cause acid rain, for example, UK’s industrial plants affecting the forests of Germany and Scandinavia. Chemical pollution has no boundaries, dumping chemical in the North Sea by the northern European countries not only destroys the ...
Search results 91 - 100 of 1458 matching essays