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Transition From Adolescence To Young Adulthood

.... attend college and graduate from a major university. A common transition for many when becoming an adult is the completion of one’s education (296). For many students, attending college immediately after high school permits them to grow and develop intellectually and personally. I feel that attending college plays a very important role in gaining experience for the real world, acquiring knowledge beyond my career field, and growing cognitively by thinking in new ways. College is the perfect time to l .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 675 | Number of pages: 3

Attack On The Tobacco Companies

.... not until recently that smokers were aware or were concerned about the risks of smoking. Consequently, people began taking action toward the cigarette companies and the risks of smoking. The cigarette companies began printing the Surgeon General’s warnings on the packages. An action the people have taken against the tobacco companies is law suits. The industry always had such a powerful defense helping them win so many suits. Their defense was that smokers assumed the risks of smoking and should bea .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 476 | Number of pages: 2

Date Rape

.... has been seen throughout society as setting the mood for romance. After a few drinks a woman’s judgment is altered, and it is often difficult to push away sexual advances. Women can say that they drank too much or did too many drugs to know what exactly was happening. Many people will say that when alcohol is in their system, it disables your vision, allowing other people to become more appealing to the eye. This could be one of the reasons why date rape often occurs on college campuses at fraternity hou .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1225 | Number of pages: 5

The Existence Of Prejudice: Past And Present

.... idea of state-enforced segregation. Until 1941, discrimination against black Americans in employment, voting, schools, housing, and public transportation was allowed. In 1941 Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order that would not allow a company working under a government defense contract to discriminate against races. By 1945 states began to legislate against discrimination. By the year 1964 twenty-five states had made it illegal for employers to discriminate by color, and thirty-one states pass .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 957 | Number of pages: 4

Road Rage And Its Avoidance

.... vehicle into a building or other structure or property. What goes through the minds of those who commit these senseless acts on our roadways? What leads up to the final crime and what eventually triggers of these people? The psychological process leading up to the final and the final triggering of the anger are all part of a somewhat long and complex process by which the committer of the act goes through and eventually commits the crime. As it turns out, aggressive driving is rarely the result of a si .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1105 | Number of pages: 5


.... but it is primary a male disorder. Scientists know very little about paraphilia in general. Voyeurism can begin in late childhood or adolescence and continue throughout adult life. Intensity and occurrence of the paraphilia is variable, and it usually decreases as people get older. It might be related to hormonal or development factors that influence brain development before birth. Voyeurism does not emerge until later in life. Regardless of how society looks at the “odd” behavior, the crucial po .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 526 | Number of pages: 2


.... acceptable. An example of this can be found in Great Falls, MT at the government-housing complex. I have heard the residents labeled as poverty stricken poor, lazy, shady characters and bums among other things. As long as an individual resides in the “project: they will continue to be labeled by most citizens, others may resent them for costing tax payers money to house and feed them. One classmate voiced her opinion on poverty and how it was a rut that can not be overcome easily. She believed that on .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 438 | Number of pages: 2

Teamwork And Team Spirit In The Work Place

.... Many workers because they do not have the ability to communicate with others in the workplace, never asking for their help, in some problems that might deal with their work and the assignment that they have to work out. So they feel stressed and as the time goes by they finally isolate them selves from the others. A teamworker never does that. He’s always there to communicate with others and help himself out or his co-workers. However it’s essential for a company to own teamworkers. It’s well known th .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 800 | Number of pages: 3

Gender Ideology Enveloping Our Society Today

.... “gendering,…or successfully [placing] the other person in a gender status,” is a means to not “feel socially dislocated.” (14) Unfortunately, the gender norms that have developed over history are unequal. Women are looked at as the “abnormal” (17 Tavris) of the genders. However, there is no essential difference between males and females. The difference lies in how individuals are raised and rewarded for certain actions. A little boy playing with dolls will immediately be told to consider guns or t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 685 | Number of pages: 3

Meeting A Girl

.... without making a fool of yourself. Get her to look into your eyes; if she hesitates, she is just being bashful. The worst of all, she is not interested. Let us imagine meeting someone for the first time. The girl you are dying to ask on a date is finally alone, without her friends. This is your opportunity; you are nervous and afraid of her respond. Act casually, and keep total control of yourself. This is the big step, the going process of a tactical move. Be brave and remember the Estonian prov .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 610 | Number of pages: 3

The Use And Abuse The American Language

.... can relate to a situation that was explained in the article, the number of hours I spend watching television. I enjoy watching television; it’s an entertainment for me when I’m bored. I spend about five hours watching television, while I’m eating, doing my homework and talking on the phone. This is an example how I rather spend my time watching at a screen with pictures and not paying attention to the language, rather than sitting down and reading a book. By reading a book we learn many things, not on .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 725 | Number of pages: 3

Comparing Americans And Filipinos

.... from the United States. There is an assortment of languages spoken between the Philippines and the United States. English is the main language in the United States and is spoken by a majority of the U.S. residents. However, approximately 54% speak Spanish, making Spanish the second most widely spoken language in the United States. In the Philippines, Tagalog is the main and national language there. This language is usually spoken at homes of Filipinos. There are many other languages spoken in t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 571 | Number of pages: 3

Psychological And Biological Slavery

.... and changes them, for the better or the worse. In Huckleberry Finn, Huck is psychologically held by his drunken, abusive father, Pap. Pap is illiterate and oppressive and threatens to Huck that he will "take some of these frills out o' you before I'm done with you" (20) because he suspects Huck of putting on airs and thinking he's better then his father. Pap treats Huck very badly, but since he is Huck's father, Huck figures there is nothing he can do. This is evident when Pap first comes back and deman .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1635 | Number of pages: 6


.... an 1/8 above the pocket when the manual says to. When you obtain good bearing you should carry yourself as an example to others. Just because you obtain good bearing today doesn’t mean you will automatically have it tomorrow. You have to earn it. You should also look off of and follow those that you think have a good bearing. They probably know what they are doing. They are a good example of what you should try to be like. In closing I say that you should always remember to carry yourself and act in .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 333 | Number of pages: 2

Two Views On The Confederate Flag’s Controversial Issue

.... Soldiers of the Union Army wore uniforms of blue, gray and even red, but so did Confederates who were fighting for General Beauregard. To add to the confusion, both sides had flags that strongly resembled one another. Neither army could, at a distance, distinguish the Red, White and Blue of the Union's Stars and Stripes from the Confederacy's Stars and Bars (which had been patterned after the flag of the original thirteen American Colonies). All these similarities, and the need to establish some uni .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 793 | Number of pages: 3

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