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.... of the amount of the beneficial trace element fluoride found in water to provide for the proper protection of teeth. Fluoridation has been widely utilized in this country since 1945. It does not involve adding anything to the water that is not already there, since virtually all sources of drinking water in the United States contain some fluoride. Fluoridation is a form of nutritional supplementation that is not unlike the addition of vitamins to milk, breads and fruit drinks; iodine to table salt; and bo .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1186 | Number of pages: 5

Global Economy And The Environment

.... more likely to have a more harmful environmental impact from growth and development, as opposed to the local corporations. This is because MNCUs may not be as knowledgeable as local corporations in resource utilization and land management. This also refers to the notion of Rthe locals know their land better than anybody elseS. The tropical rain forest of Brazil is a good example of this. The RindigenousS or the local people have a good understanding of how to extract and utilize its resources in a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 970 | Number of pages: 4

Global Warming

.... into the atmosphere. The radiation from the sun gets trapped in the bag of carbon dioxide that surrounds our earth. One main reason for the problem of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gases. We use these fuels to run factories, power plants, cars, trucks, buses, air conditioning and etc. The people of the earth are putting 5.5 billion tons of carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide in the air every year! Seventy five percent of this is fossil fuels. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2323 | Number of pages: 9

Global Warming

.... and resource consumption. An examination of population size, atmospheric concentrations of these gases and global temperature relative to time and with respect to each other is presented here to demonstrate the relations among these factors. POPULATION GROWTH Many of us have seen linear graphs of human population showing the enormous growth in the last two centuries. However, significant changes in population dynamics are lost in the exponential growth and long time scales. If the data are replotte .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2532 | Number of pages: 10

Global Warming

.... in global temperature of approximately 1° C (approximately 1.8° F). Even a limited rise in average surface temperature might lead to at least partial melting of the polar icecaps and hence a major rise in sea level, along with other severe environmental disturbances. An example of a runaway greenhouse effect is Earth's near-twin planetary neighbor Venus. Because of Venus's thick CO2 atmosphere, the planet's cloud-covered surface is hot enough to melt lead. Water vapor is an important "greenhouse" gas. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 714 | Number of pages: 3

Greenhousing The Wrong Way

.... With Me? As the temperatures rise, the waters get warmer and begin the melting process of the polar ice caps (Popular Science). Long term predictions of Global warming say that the melting of the polar ice caps will continue causing ocean waters to rise, resulting in massive coastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami. If the next century's warming stays at a low end of estimates, the consequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or top estimates, we are lik .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 506 | Number of pages: 2

Green Laws Boost Clean-up Iindustry

.... EU-directives are getting close, and everything se-ems to show that the laws will be enforced. Yet far from all companies have to meet with the raised finger of the law to start investing in their environmental responsibilities. Investments on a volunta-ry basis are often due to the fact that it makes good ecnomic sense or because it gives the corporate image a face- lifting. Seen from a geoprahical point of view Germany and primarily eastern Europe form tremendously good breeding ground for the sa .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4


.... something that we should respect. Taking on a action for Greenpeace sometimes means that you have to break the law or at least bend it a little. In USA where they protested against some factories which deliberately lead their toxic waste to lakes nearby, Greenpeace sealed the pipes, from which the toxic waste was coming from and furtermore the activists refused to leave. A up-to-date example could be Mururoa, where the French government held a series of underground nuclear tests and banned all nearby sail .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 778 | Number of pages: 3

Hawaiian Goose

.... extinction. During the 1940s this species was almost wiped out by laws which allowed the birds to be hunted during their winter breeding seasons when the birds were most vulnerable. By 1957, when the Nene was named the State Bird, rescue efforts were underway. Conservationists began breeding the birds in captivity in hopes of preserving a remnant of the declining population and, someday, successfully re-establishing them in their native habitat. Other programs for returning captive birds to the wild li .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 369 | Number of pages: 2

Hemp: The Truth About The Earth's Greatest Plant

.... fibers, stem, and seeds. Its leaves and flowers produce the drugs marijuana and hashish. However, sterile breeds of the plant are still illegal to grow in the U.S. Literally millions of wild hemp plants grow throughout the entire Midwest today. Wild hemp, like hemp used for industry purposes, is useless as an intoxicant. Yet U.S. drug law states that one acre of this can result in the owner being sentenced to death. The death penalty exists for growing one acre of perfectly harmless, non-intoxicating we .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 834 | Number of pages: 4


.... It's ironic that we have the opportunity to solve most of Canada's critical environmental issues in one fell swoop . . . with one simple plant. It is ignorance and the maintenance of the status quo that has blinded and crippled our ability to realize this resource. INTRODUCTION A plant exists that is so strong that it can be grown without requiring chemicals in almost every part of the world. Many have touted this plant as a possible way in which to wean society from its dependence on fossil fuels .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2145 | Number of pages: 8

The Hippopotamus: Endangered Species Report

.... ivory is the main cause attributed to the exponential rise to hippo ivory trade. "European and African activists are petitioning advocacy groups, including last week's annual Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in Florida, for a ban on hippo poaching. But they say they're a long way from putting an end to the slaughter." (Howard & Koehl) The hippopotamus is an enormous amphibious animal with smooth, hairless skin. Hippos can be found in Liberia, the Ivory Coast, and a few can al .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 658 | Number of pages: 3

Household Waste!

.... to have a piece of tape to cover the top but now it has been lost; a potential problem. The can has an expiration date on it, 9/98. This expiration date may be incorrect because that piece of tape to cover it has been lost for some time now. II Windex In the cupboard in the upstairs bathroom is where we keep the Windex. The Windex is blue and clearly labeled, with no chance of any person mistaking it for something else. The top part is tightly screwed on with Windex filled to ¾ of the original volu .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 528 | Number of pages: 2

Climatic Change And Its Effect On Society

.... dry climate. Thus, drought effects are one of the major concerns being addressed by researchers in this region. climate modellers have predicted a large increase in temperature for this region, which could lead to even drier conditions and enormous stresses on vegetation in the western Canadian boreal forest. This type of impact was observed following the 1988 drought it experiences, when there was a die-back of aspen over extensive areas of the aspen parkland in Western Canada. Associated with thi .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 859 | Number of pages: 4


.... air soaring upwards in the thunderheads. The air begins swirling around the storm center, for the same reason that the air swirls around a tornado center. As this air swirls in over the sea surface, it soaks up more and more water vapour. At the storm center, this new supply of water vapor gets pulled into the thunderhead updrafts, releasing still more energy as the water vapor condenses. This makes the updrafts rise faster, pulling in even larger amounts of air and water vapor from the stor .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3

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