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The Invention Of The Telegram

.... , invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now follows the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace" - ZIMMERMANN Considering this telegram was sent to Mexico, it shows Mexican importance in this war. Mexico had two thousand miles of undefended coastline on the Pacific . Her northern boarder with the United States stretched for twe .....

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.... of pharmaceuticals. Oxygen and its compounds play a key role in many of the important processes of life and industry. Oxygen in the biosphere is essential in the processes of respiration and metabolism, the means by which animals derive the energy needed to sustain life. Furthermore, oxygen is the most abundant element at the surface of the Earth. In combined form it is found in ores, earth’s, rocks, and gemstones, as well as in all living organisms. Oxygen is a gaseous chemical element in Group VA of th .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2765 | Number of pages: 11


.... skills such as telepathy, as they know they will use them in their lifetime. On an intuitive level they know we are shifting reality soon where this ability and others will be open to humans once again. Many of the 'star children' --those who remember that they are connected to other worlds and realities--will try to tap into their higher gifts. 'Patience' is the name of the game. As the planet is shifting now into 4th dimensional frequency you will soon get to use these powers and be able to control the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3420 | Number of pages: 13

The Element Cesium

.... of Cesium occurs with water and ice. Ice with a temperature as low as -177 degrees Fahrenheit can trigger a vigorous reaction. Because Cesium reacts so violently with organic compounds, it is considered the most reactive of Alkali metals. There are four principle compounds that make up Cesium’s structure: Cesium Chloride, Cesium Fluoride, Cesium Carbonate, and Cesium Sulfate. The most important compound is Chloride, which is used as a constituent of getter mixtures of vacuum tubes. Cesium is identified q .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 465 | Number of pages: 2

The Depletion Of Ozone Layer

.... ozone protects people, plants, and animals from harmful radiation. The ozone layer is important because it absorbs most of the damaging ultra-violet radiation from the sun before it reaches ground level, where it can cause sun burn, skin cancer and cataracts. Research suggests that any additional UV-B (ultra-violet radiation) at ground level could depress our bodies’ immune systems, damage the natural food chain and reduce crop yields. Although ozone makes up less that 1ppm of all the gases in our p .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2630 | Number of pages: 10

How Humans And Fish Obtain Oxygen

.... of the trachea into the two different lungs it is used to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. These bronchus break into many bronchioles which then branch into many many microscopic tubs that cary the oxygen to every part of the lung till they meet the thin sacs called aveoli. Aveoli are thin sacs in the lungs that carry oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of the blood stream. They diffuse the oxygen into the blood cells that need it and in turn diffuse carbon dixoxide out. Diffusion is an ea .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 795 | Number of pages: 3

Dolphins & Humans: Breaking Barriers Of Communication

.... before the birth of Christ and told of a boy named Arraign, who was cast into the sea by pirates. A dolphin came to his rescue and carried the boy home to Greece on his back. Plutocrat wrote Thathos, Odysseus' son, was saved from drowning as a young child through the aid of a dolphin. A roman scholar Plink the Elder, who lived in AD 23-69, wrote about a boy named Hermias. Hermias had many encounters with a friendly dolphin which he would except rides from. One day Hermias was thrown off the dolphins .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2753 | Number of pages: 11


.... along with excretory and nervous system, they are classified under the Mollusca phylum. It then goes under the classification of Cephalopod along with squids and chambered nautilus. From there it is ordered as Octopoda, (Family) Octopodidae, (Genus) Octopus. Then its species differ to differentiate one octopus from another. A common octopus's species is labeled as vulgaris. A common octopus's scientific name: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Classification: Cephalopoda Order: Octopoda Family: .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1043 | Number of pages: 4

UFOs Exist

.... that many until the 1940s. In the 1940s UFO sightings were being told all over the world. Since the 1940s UFOs are seen every day by people all over the world. Ufologists have come up with a system to divide UFO incidents into three major types of close encounters. First, close encounter of the first kind (CEI) are classified as UFO sightings. Second, close encounters of the second kind (CE2) are sightings and permanent evidence, such as marks in the ground or burns on grass. Third, close encounters .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1803 | Number of pages: 7

Nuclear Fission

.... repeated over, it becomes a self-sustaining chain reaction. This energy producing process is called a nuclear fission chain reaction. Nuclear fission uses the uranium-235 element because it is the easiest of all atoms to split apart. Uranium-235 is made up of many protons and few neutrons. Protons naturally repel one another so a nucleus made up of many protons tends to ‘fly apart’ more easily. In addition, uranium makes a good nuclear reactor because it can sustain a series of fission reactions, eac .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 573 | Number of pages: 3

Natural History Of The Lamprey

.... The adult forms of lamprey die soon after spawning and reaching their mature form. Lampreys mostly live in freshwater streams and seas of temperate and subartic regions throughout the world, except for Southern Africa. The sea lamprey is a marine species. They are native to the Atlantic Coast of North America and Europe. In many areas it has adapted to a life cycle spent entirely in freshwater. The sea lamprey invaded Lake Erie in the 1920’s, where its warm water was good for reproduction. They .....

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.... 1902, a German embryologist by the name of Hans Spermann used a strand of hair as a noose to split apart cells of a two-celled salamander embryo, and obtained a normal salamander from each cell. Thirty-six years later, Spermann used nuclear transportation to create a clone. He took the nucleus, the cellular structure that contains the most genetic material and controls growth and development, and removed it from an egg cell of an organism. Spermann had successfully created another clone. Later on, other .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1855 | Number of pages: 7

The Effects Of Over-Population On The Earth's Water Supply

.... subject of over-population encompasses many areas of study. Some examples are health, food, pollution and fresh water. The underlying link between all of these areas is water. The following four articles reveal that the water supplies that we all depend on are being used at an unsustainable rate. There is not enough fresh water on this planet for current growth rates to continue. The Public Broadcasting Company has posted on the Internet a timeline detailing the Earth's population at different years. Acc .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1114 | Number of pages: 5

Biomedical Engineering

.... of biological and physiological problems, the delivery of health care, and/or industrial applications. (Drexel University) The biomedical engineer serves as the connection between traditional engineering subjects and living systems. He/she may work applying the patterns of living organisms to engineering design or engineering new approaches or products to improve human health and productivity. On the one hand, the biomedical engineer may use his/her knowledge of physiological systems to reverse engineer .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 962 | Number of pages: 4


.... I don’t fully understand it myself. From what I have researched I have come to understand that currently cloning is very “Hit or Miss”(Hawley). From 277 attempts, Dolly was the only successful attempt. The point is however that we now have a man created sheep, what else could be done in the near future. There are many different goals for genetic cloning. Would you like to clone someone close to you who had died? In the movie “Gattaca” you get a peak at something that could be made possible by cloning, the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1314 | Number of pages: 5

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