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Porgy And Bess

.... cities, managed to blend music into its structure. In the 20's many of the dramas that had to do with black life, music became a necessity. In the 30's this trend prevailed, musical elements of Afro-American culture were showcased primarily in dramas rather than in musicals. In Hall Johnson's "Run, Little Chillun!", a folk drama about the conflict between the Christian and African religious heritage in black life, critics praised the marvelous choral music. While Johnson called his work a dra .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1929 | Number of pages: 8

Rap Music

.... christian point of view. We, the society are trying the screen everything, to protect are children from being harm. But its harm we are inflecting on are soon to be leaders of the world,for example tring to banned sex education from the schools,screening the TV from harmful life scaring scenes of nudity,music being edited because of the used of the word "NIGGER" "BITCH" "JEW" "HOE" etc. Now rap singers are just telling stories about drug dealing, getting beat up by police officers,gangland slaying. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1333 | Number of pages: 5

Freire; Teaching In Our Society, And Wu-Tang Clan

.... point of view. Look at things how no one else look at them. Freire would present to his students the idea of looking at things differently and would not even restrict the students to an essay. He would probably except anything such as a poem, paper, or a picture. As long as the perception does not fit the one that society shows us. The essay that is shown below is about a rap group named the Wu-Tang Clan. This was a very good choice to write this essay because they look at society through the eyes .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 825 | Number of pages: 3

Personal Writing: A Beck Concert

.... they were doing. They worked so hard, and they mess it all up in one day. The articles gives some hints here and there, about this "circus" behavior had maybe a little to do with the bands past experiences. It took them forever to make there song a hit, but now that it's there, all they think is about the past, and how terrible it was. Personally, I think that to blame the future on the past is some- what ridicules. The past is over with, you should respect what you have now, appreciate it. Take prid .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 451 | Number of pages: 2

Bluegrass Music

.... three-fingered banjo picking style, guitarist Lester Flatt, and fiddler Chubby Wise. The Scottish-Irish music of southern Appalachia was a powerful form of entertainment as folks gathered in the evenings to dance and socialize. It was what people back then loved. The people back then probably looked at bluegrass music in the same manner as I look at alternative music today. It was just a style of music that they could relate to and express some of their ideas through. Bluegrass spread when Appal .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 817 | Number of pages: 3

No Thanks, I'll Take Real Music

.... because before you know it these feel good-happy music groups are popping up everywhere. What should they do? When most bands start playing they go through many years of building a fan following. That's the problem with these groups. Playing with instruments would help a lot! A solid bass line and a little good guitar never hurt anybody. Don't get me wrong, I think everyone should be able to choose there own music (yes even country). So stick to bands that are not just an image but also a sound! .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 355 | Number of pages: 2

The Conspiracy Behind The Beatles

.... Beatles, had died. He claimed he had received a phone call about it and evidence could be found within their albums. Both other radio stations and the media picked up on the rumor, and it spread quickly. As the word spread, the story also got changed. Two different stories are best known for Paul's death. The first one as stated from a webpage dedicated to the conspiracy goes like this: The story that Paul McCartney was involved in a car accident. Apparently, he hadn't noticed that the light .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2331 | Number of pages: 9

Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze" And The 1960s And 70s

.... the information acquired in my interview, the 60's seemed to be more carefree than dangerous. In my opinion, Kansas probably wasn't exactly the hippie capital of the world. If I had interviewed someone who had lived in a major city during the 60's I'm sure the danger would have been more noticeable. A majority of the drug usage took place in the cities. Jimi Hendrix is a perfect example of a hard-core hippie. He was a drug addict as well as a spontaneous musical historian. He did have a long lastin .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 484 | Number of pages: 2

The Drums

.... measurement would be the diameter. Every drum has a batter head wich is struck by either a stick or a foot pedal. If a second head is used at the other end of the drum it is called a resonator head. Lets start with the bass drum. THE BASS DRUM The bass drum is obviously the bass or low pitch drum in the set. The bass drum is set on the floor with the batter of the drum facing vertically so that a foot pedal may be used to hit the drum. The standard depth of a bass drum shell is 14" and standard she .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1703 | Number of pages: 7

Music And The Civil War

.... performers with the presence when called upon."1 Other social events in Augusta County that were widely popular were the "fine concerts by Turner's Silver Concert Band."2 The newspaper reports that the popularity of "these concerts have always heretofore drawn crowded houses.2" In the style of other articles, the paper comments that the "merit of the music will ensure to the concert an abundant success"2 Musical performances in Franklin County were much the same. Concerts were frequently given for the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 672 | Number of pages: 3

History Of Percussion Instruments

.... use of a stretched membrane. This could include castanets, rattles, and mallet instruments. Membranophones are those that produce a sound from the vibrations of a stretched membrane. These include any type of drum hit with a stick. Both of these instruments are tunable in many different ways and forms; therefore, these instruments can be used as melodic instruments (“ Percussion” 653). Basic idiophones (also refereed to as concussion instruments) are struck together. This includes clappers, cymbals, .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 915 | Number of pages: 4

History Of Rock And Roll

.... charts. This could most be seen in the movie Back to the Future. In the late sixties however a new type of rock emerged. Led by four young British men known as Paul, John, George and Ringo this music was more like the gateway from Elvis Presley to Jimi Hendrix. Known as the Beatles they stole the hearts of millions of teenage girls with songs such as Michelle and Julia. If you were lucky enough to have one of those names you were idolized for life. This new type of Rock and Roll, sometimes referred .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1690 | Number of pages: 7

The History Of The Piano

.... loud". In shape and general construction it resembled a harpsichord, but it differed in its action mechanism. Deer leather hammersstruck the strings, and a primitive escapement or "set off" was employed, enabling the hammer to escape from the string, rather than to block on it, thereby smothering the vibrations the hammer itself had originated. By the 1720's Cristofori had made some twenty "gravicembali" and had added a padded check to catch the hammer on the rebound (Fig. 1)-an attempt to prevent its bo .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4041 | Number of pages: 15

The Life Of Deadheads And Music Of The Grateful Dead

.... assimilation into mainstream American society. Deadheads form a group with an identifiable onset and about which there is substantial literature. Also, A Deadhead, according to the authors of Skeleton Key: A Dictionary for Deadheads, is “someone who loves -- and draws meaning from -- the music of the Grateful Dead and the experience of Dead shows, and builds community with others who feel the same way” (Shenk 60). To elaborate on this in more objective terms, research shows the top four characterist .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1977 | Number of pages: 8

Beethoven's 8th Sonata: Analysis

.... is played with a lot of flare and/or fire. Dynamics - There are too many different dynamics in this piece. I will just name all of the different dynamic markings in it. The following are: (forte-piano, sforzando, piano, fortissimo, sforzando-piano, pianissimo, forte, cresc. and decresc. Structure/Form - The form of this piece is A,B,A,C,A. with a final ending at (bars 299 - 310.) Timbre - The tone colour of this piece is .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 258 | Number of pages: 1

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