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Self-Reliance: Philosophies Of Transcendentalism And Individualism

.... heart is true for all men, -that is genius.” (Emerson 222), and not from believing what another man thinks. He felt that these men were geniuses in their own time, “the heights merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men, but what they thought.” (Emerson 222), for looking to themselves for their own truth and happiness. We should have self-trust, that when we get an idea, we should listen to ourselves, yet we dismiss our thoug .....

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Frederick Jackson Turner: Closing Of The Frontier

.... historical development that hereditary influences. Turner could not account for the history of his own state of Wisconsin purely in terms of "germ" theory because of the profound influence of Native American Indian culture in the region. Turner said that "the frontier divided the primitive from the civilized, the natural from the institutional, the savage from the cultured, the elemental from the complex." (Simonson, p.9) Though at first, the wilderness mastered the pioneer, the pioneer slowly transfor .....

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The North And The South: Rivals Or Friends?

.... there are many things that are alike including the colleges in the areas , government, and the basic way of life. If you were to take a drive from Michigan to North Carolina there would be a noticable difference in the way that the people talk and the mannerisms that they have. For example, the people from the south talk in slow, sweet, tangy voice that seems to draw out with every word that they say. The people from the north talk as though they are talking through their nose, very nasaly. This is .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1022 | Number of pages: 4

Stocism In "Enchiridion"

.... body: The outer body is subject to circumstances such as illness, torture, personal losses etc. The inner body, however, is completely in our own control. We have the power to free ourselves inside, our duty is to make our minds master over expectations, desires, and needs. We should not depend on external events for our happiness, but upon reason, inner continuity and stability. The Stoic resolves, in his life, to be calm in the midst of activity and chaos, to cultivate an attitude which is free and .....

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“Barrio Boy” And The House On Mango Street Comparison

.... This allowed him to run for president of his class in school. Ernesto’s attempts to succeed with his goals in his Barrio make it evident that the quote is correct. Esperanza’s life on Mango Street sustains the message captured by the critical lens. Esperenza and many other characters in this short novel are determined to escape Mango Street. They all have the same goal for different reasons. Esperenza longed to leave because she was ashamed of where she lived and she did not believe that she fit in. H .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 401 | Number of pages: 2

Pornography And The New Puritans

.... material – namely, away from the ones who are actually committing the crime. Second, it runs against the First Amendment. Finally laws on obscenity differ from state to state, and if the bill does not describe what kind of obscenity is not allowed then how are the creators of the material supposed to know weather or not its actionable? Irving’s understanding of the bill is that it makes the publishers and distributors of the obscene material think conservatively- “that is when their imaginations turn .....

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The Gothic Novel

.... novel had come full circle, from rebellion to the Age of Reason's order, to its encompassing and incorporation of Reason as derived from terror. The influence of the Gothic novel is felt today in the portrayal of the alluring antagonist, whose evil characteristics appeal to ones sense of awe, or the melodramatic aspects of romance, or more specifically in the Gothic motif of a persecuted maiden forced apart from a true love. The Gothic genre today has remained an elusive minor literary upheaval that has .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2127 | Number of pages: 8

Hero Worship

.... they passed them from generation to generation, the stories continued to grow. Everyone knows what heroism is, but describing it can be difficult. Gallantry, valor, bravery, and courage are all traits normally associated with heroism. For the people who risk or sacrifice their own lives in an acts of selflessness, these words are accurate in describing heroism. Few would dispute that a person who pulls another from a burning flipped-over car ready to explode does show heroism. The news media is .....

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Video Poker

.... On top of these on one in there right mind from another state would say lets pack up and go on vacation to Greenville and play video poker in the back of a gas station, in comparison to the millions in tourist revenue in Los Vegas. (1) Gamblers are growing be leaps and bounds. In this state there are 19,000 compulsive and 31,000 problem gamblers that cost South Carolina 225 million in programs for these type of people. These programs are making South Carolina the “big loser. The average loss per hous .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 469 | Number of pages: 2

Odysseus' Journey

.... blast and scorch of the burning ball singed all his eyebrows and eyelids, and the firs made the roots of his eye crackle,”(387-390) Odysseus says while speaking of the blinded Cyclops. The evils of Thrinakia On his way from the Isle of Calypso, Odysseus and crew encounter the Sirens, hideous creatures with beautiful voices who will eat you if get to close. Odysseus puts wax in his crewmember’s ears so they can not hear the alluring songs, and then he ties himself to the mast of the ship so he will kn .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1170 | Number of pages: 5

The Patriotic Shopping Center

.... mall . He states, “ [The mall] had been imagined by its creators not merely as a marketplace but as a national tourist attraction…”(Guterson 211). Thousands of visitors go to the mall to get lost in its 4.2 million square feet of floor space. They wander around aimlessly looking for direction but find that the straight way was lost and the YOU ARE HERE landmarks on the map kiosks referred to nothing in particular (Guterson 211). “Getting lost, feeling lost, [and] being lost--these states of mind are in .....

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Implied Differences Of The Characterization Of Helen With Respect To "The Encomium Of Helen" And The Iliad

.... he calls out to Helen and asks her to sit next to him, and to tell him what she knows about the Achaians.He even states, “I am not blaming you.”(Homer, III, 160). Although blame is not the focus of this essay, the fact that Priam does not blame her shows the reader that there is something likeable about her personality. In Book XXIV, Hektor, although not in his own words for he is dead, also shows us this quality about Helen. In lines 765-772, Helen herself goes on to state how Hektor never insul .....

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.... people is not only the hoping that they will keep a conversation with you, but also there is the fear of rejection. Yes, it may sound weird but many people are afraid that if they go talk to someone, they will just be blown off. One fourth of the university’s population is freshmen, this makes the friendship process that much easier. If you think about it, that means a whole bunch of new people, in a new place, just wanting to meet new friends that they can talk with. When the target person to tal .....

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The Mafia

.... movement in the late 20’s and 30’s of Cesare Mori, Mori tried to eliminate the Mafia in any way in which he could. This attempt at elimination was quite unsuccessful since the Mafia’s base was so far ranging. ""Arlachhi (1986 44-5) concluded in 1983 "there does not exist a centralized criminal organized called the Mafia… The cosca mafiosa is a simple organism but a solid one, without formalism or bureaucracy. Within it are neither statutory ordinances, initiation rites nor courts of judgment"" (Fior .....

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Achilles’ Actions Bring His Eventual Doom Closer To Reality

.... actions bring his eventual doom closer to reality than perhaps may have been planned. “Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilles and it’s devastation which put pain thousandfold upon the Achaians.” The wrath of Achilles begins in Book One of “The Iliad.” Agamemmnon, leader of the Greek army, takes Achilles booty prize, Briseis to replace his own concubine, Chryses, daughter of a priest of Apollo, who was returned to end the plague put on his people by the angry god, Apollo. Achilles feels un .....

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